National Commission for Women

News: On January 31, 2023, the Hon. President of India will speak at the National Commission for Women’s 31st Foundation Day in Delhi. The program’s theme, “Sashakt Nari Sashakt Bharat,” honours and celebrates the achievements of women who have made significant contributions to society.


  • National Commission for Women information


  • In accordance with the National Commission for Women Act of 1990, the National Commission for Women was established as a statutory authority in January 1992.
  • The National Commission for Women (NCW) is tasked with reviewing the constitutional and legal protections for women, recommending corrective legislative measures, facilitating the resolution of disputes, and advising the government on all issues pertaining to women’s policy.
  • Membership: The NCW is composed of a Chairperson who is dedicated to the cause of women and who will be proposed by the Central Government.
  • The Central Government will propose five members from among individuals of ability, integrity, and standing who have experience in law or legislation, trade unionism, management of an industry with potential for women, women’s voluntary organisations (including women activists), administration, economic development, health, education, or social welfare;
  • A Member-Secretary that the Central Government will propose
  • The NCW is in charge of looking into and analysing any issue pertaining to the protections for women outlined in the Constitution and other laws.
  • Annually and at other times the Commission may deem appropriate, NCW reports to the Central Government on the effectiveness of those safeguards.