Why in the news?

  • The government has yet to decide on extending the deadline for freezing administrative boundaries crucial for the Census, impacting its schedule and subsequent activities.
  • The deadline, originally set to end recently, remains uncertain with no new date announced.
  • Discussions are ongoing to determine the next steps, affecting the timeline for conducting the Census.
Source: ResearchGate

About Women’s Quota Implementation

  • Implementation of the women’s reservation Act, reserving 33% seats in Parliament and Assemblies, hinges on Census outcomes.
  • The Act mandates delimitation based on the latest Census figures, delaying its enforcement until after the Census is completed.
Understanding Census

  • Definition: The Census is a comprehensive process of collecting, compiling, analyzing, and disseminating demographic, economic, and social data of all individuals within a country or specified region at a specific point in time.

Phases of Census Operations in India

  • Houselisting/Housing Census: Records details of all types of buildings, noting amenities and assets.
  • Population Enumeration: Collects detailed information on each individual residing in the country, including Indian nationals and others.
  • Conducted after creating a comprehensive list of all surveyed households.

Frequency and Legal Framework

  • Initiated in 1881 by W.C. Plowden, Census Commissioner of India, it has been conducted every ten years since.
  • The Census of India Act (1948) provides the legal framework for conducting the Census but does not specify its periodicity, making it a Constitutional mandate without fixed timing.

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