Why in News ?

Myanmar’s military faces persistent resistance from Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs) and groups like the People’s Defence Force (PDF).

Source- TH

About the news –

  • The Brotherhood Alliance, including the Arakan Army (AA), Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), and Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), has made significant territorial gains.
  • Strategic locations in Shan State and border trade routes with China have been captured by groups like the Kachin Independence Army (KIA).
  • Regional Dominance:The Arakan Army controls large areas in Rakhine State, impacting local governance and resources.
  • Peace in Rakhine is crucial for infrastructure projects and handling the Rohingya crisis.
  • Southern Advances:EAOs like the Karen National Union (KNU) have captured key towns along the Thailand border, affecting military supply lines.
  • National and Regional Implications:Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has expressed concerns about separatist movements along the Myanmar-Bangladesh border.
  • EAOs aim for federal democracy rather than secession, advocating maximum autonomy within a unified state.
  • Ethnic and Territorial Complexity:Myanmar’s complex ethnic landscape includes overlapping territories and mixed urban populations.
  • Disputes over ethnic boundaries and homelands complicate peace efforts.
  • China’s Influence:China engages with various Myanmar actors, supplying military equipment and influencing ceasefires.
  • China’s dual support for the military and EAOs aims to maintain leverage and ensure regional stability.
  • India’s Potential Role:India can offer its experience in federal frameworks and peace agreements to help Myanmar navigate its internal conflicts.
  • Need for a New Framework:To transcend the current dynamic, stakeholders need to discuss a new constitutional framework that integrates federalism and democracy.