
  • GS-3– Use of AI in governance , Digital India Mission and its benefits

Focus :

  • The article focuses on India’s strategic role in shaping global AI governance by leveraging its historical legacy of advocating for the Global South. It underscores India’s need to address structural inequalities, ensure equitable access to AI resources, and advocate for a human-centric, inclusive, and fair AI governance framework at international forums, particularly the United Nations.

Introduction: The Need for AI Governance

  • Summit of the Future: The Summit of the Future, scheduled for September 22-23, 2024, is expected to play a pivotal role in global diplomacy concerning Artificial Intelligence (AI).
  • Global Digital Compact (GDC): The summit aims to advance the GDC under the United Nations’ auspices, focusing on bridging the digital divide, advancing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and fostering a secure digital environment.
  • Key Objectives: Strengthening international governance frameworks for emerging technologies, including AI, to ensure alignment with fundamental human rights and global values.
  • India’s Role: India’s proactive participation is crucial in shaping this discourse, especially concerning AI governance, to align with its developmental priorities and the interests of the Global South.

Geopolitical Contestation in AI Governance

Recent UN Resolutions on AI:

  • S.-led Resolution: Advocates for a harmonized approach to AI governance, promoting shared ethical principles, data protection measures, and transparency standards. It also aims to establish U.S. dominance in AI technology and dictate its development globally.
  • China-led Resolution: Emphasizes equitable benefits from AI development, bridging the digital divide, and promoting an open and non-discriminatory business environment, positioning China strategically in global trade and technology standards.
  • Implications: These resolutions highlight the geopolitical contestation between the U.S. and China, with both countries attempting to shape the global AI governance landscape to their advantage, potentially sidelining the interests of the Global South.

The UN’s Role in AI Governance

  • UN as a Global Forum: The UN has emerged as a central platform for shaping global standards in AI governance due to the significant impact of AI on markets and societies.
  • India’s Engagement at the UN:India has a long-standing and active engagement at the UN, including strategic roles in G-20 and the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI).
  • Opportunities for India: India has the opportunity to ensure that the GDC aligns with its developmental priorities, ethical standards, and the broader interests of the Global South.

India’s Historical Legacy in International Negotiations

Championing the Global South:

  • Climate Negotiations: India has historically championed the issues of the Global South, particularly in international climate negotiations, where it advocated for principles of equity and climate justice.
  • UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol: India played a key role in shaping the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol, ensuring that developing countries are not subject to obligations misaligned with their developmental plans.
  • Green Group and BASIC Group: India helped form alliances like the Green Group and BASIC Group to represent developing countries’ perspectives and counter pressures from developed countries.

Structural Inequalities in AI Innovation:

  • Challenges Faced by India: India faces several challenges in the AI innovation landscape, including a lack of advanced computing infrastructure, quality data sets, and capital.
  • Advocating Equity: India should ensure that discussions around AI governance incorporate considerations of equity, accessibility, and fairness.

Success in Other Fora:

G-20 and GPAI: India has already succeeded in registering these considerations in other international fora, such as the G-20 New Delhi Leaders Declaration and the GPAI Ministerial Declaration, which emphasized fair access to AI resources and equitable sharing of AI benefits.

Leveraging the UN Platform for AI Governance

  • Universal Membership: The UN’s framework, grounded in the rule of law, the Universal Declaration on Human Rights (UDHR), and the SDGs, provides a legitimate platform for AI governance discussions.
  • India’s Coalition-Building Expertise: India is adept at building coalitions and advocating for principles that prioritize the interests of the Global South.
  • Ensuring Equitable Access:Advocating for the Global South: India should push for more equitable access to AI technology, capacity building, and knowledge-sharing mechanisms to ensure all countries can benefit from AI.
  • Redefining Multi-stakeholder Models: Advocate for a more inclusive multi-stakeholder model that actively includes voices from the Global South, particularly marginalized and underrepresented groups.
  • Human Rights and Inclusivity: India should advocate for an AI governance approach that respects human rights, aligns with international laws and standards, and ensures AI systems are inclusive, fair, and representative of diverse perspectives.

Challenges of Bipolar AI Governance:

  • US-China Dynamics: The ongoing contest between the U.S. and China in AI governance risks marginalizing the unique needs and perspectives of the Global South.
  • Local Contexts and Realities: Policies developed without understanding the local contexts and realities may fail to address the root issues faced by developing countries.

Addressing the Challenges of AI Development for the Global South

  • Resource Disparities: Developed countries have advanced resources, while developing countries often lack basic infrastructure, internet access, and electricity, essential for AI development.
  • Localized Approaches Needed: A one-size-fits-all approach in AI governance is unlikely to be effective, as it may overlook the specific challenges of developing countries.
  • Balanced and Sustainable Future: India’s role in advocating for inclusive AI governance will not only serve its interests but also contribute to a balanced and sustainable digital future.

Conclusion: India’s Strategic Imperative in AI Governance

  • Historical Legacy and Current Relevance: India’s historical role in championing the Global South and its robust engagement in international forums make it well-positioned to shape the global discourse on AI governance.
  • Active Engagement: By actively engaging in the upcoming Summit of the Future, India can influence AI governance frameworks to address the unique challenges of developing countries and ensure a balanced global digital future.

Mains UPSC Question

GS 3

Discuss the role of India in shaping global AI governance, with particular reference to its historical engagement in international negotiations and current geopolitical challenges.”? (250 words)