QUICK BITS – UPSC Prelims (22nd Feb,2023)

National Horticulture Fair 2023

  • From Feb22-Feb25 in Hesaraghata
  • Theme : “Innovative horticulture for self reliance’
  • Organisers : Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR).
  • To showcase latest technology in the field of horticulture



Malabar 2023

  • Australia to host Malabar exercise for the first time
  • Malabar is multilateral naval exercise including Quad nations (India,Australia,USA,Japan)
  • It first began as a bilateral exercise between India and USA in 1992
  • In 2007, Japan and Australia participated for the first time
  • India, USA and Japan are participating regularly since 2014
  • Australia started participating regularly since Malabar 2020



Live transcription of Supreme Court Proceedings

  • Supreme court introduced live transcription on experimental basis
  • Plans to keep permanent record of constitutional bench arguments using the technology

“Do you see the screen? We’re just trying to explore the possibilities of live transcript. It is an experiment. Then we will have a permanent record of arguments. Of course, it will help the judges and the lawyers, but law colleges can also analyse how arguments are made”.
– DY Chandrachud(CJI)



Right to protect genetic data

  • Supreme court held that child’s genetic data is part of his fundamental right to privacy
  • Court drew attention to rights of privacy,autonomy and identity recognised under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Children
  • Earlier in Puttaswamy case court has held that Right to Privacy is a fundamental right under Article 21 of Constitution of India.



Government privatises map making

  • Monopoly of Survey of India abolished
  • Survey of India shall remain arbiter of maps that deal with state and national boundaries
  • National Geospatial Policy allows any private agency to make high- resolution maps
  • SoI will continue to maintain CORS( Continuously Operating Reference Stations)
  • Survey of India is the national survey and mapping organization of India.
  • It was established in 1767 and is oldest scientific department of government of India
  • HQ : Dehradun, Uttarakhand



New START Treaty

  • Recently declared that it is suspending its participation in New START Treaty
  • Also called “Treaty between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms”
  • It puts limits on number of intercontinental nuclear weapons that can be maintained by Russia and USA
  • Though came into force on 5th Feb,2023, the verification process still continuoius