Why in the news ?

India pledges to double assistance to Bhutan over five years, reaching ₹10,000 crore, strengthening bilateral ties and cooperation.


Highlighting the India’s Increased Assistance to Bhutan:

  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a doubling of India’s assistance to Bhutan over the next five years, from ₹15,000 crore to ₹10,000 crore for the period till 2029.
  • This decision was made during Mr. Modi’s visit to Thimphu, where he was awarded Bhutan’s highest honour, the ‘Order of the Druk Gyalpo’, for India’s role in managing the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • India and Bhutan signed seven agreements covering areas such as energy, food safety, sports, research, and space collaboration, signalling a strengthening of bilateral ties.
About  the Gelephu Mindfulness City project:

●  Bhutan requested India’s help for the Gelephu Mindfulness City project.

●  A special economic zone along Bhutan’s southern border with India.

●  Involves an international airport, rail, and road links.

Key Facts about Bhutan:

●   Location: Bhutan is situated between India and China and is a landlocked country.

●   Capital: Thimphu serves as the capital city of Bhutan.

●   Political System: Bhutan transitioned into a democracy in 2008, with the King serving as the Head of State.

●   Official Name: It is officially known as the ‘Kingdom of Bhutan’, with its Bhutanese name being Druk Gyal Khap, translating to the ‘Land of the Thunder Dragon’.

●   River: The Manas River, stretching over 376 km, is the longest river in Bhutan and forms part of the border with India.