Mathura Style

Q. Elucidate the statement- “Buddha was depicted in a different way in the Mathura style of sculpture”.


Mathura style of art was an indigenous style. It was witnessed during the rule of Kushanas in northern India. Red sandstone was mostly used in this style. Sculptures and statues were less spiritual when compared to other styles like gandhara.


General Features of this style:

  • It was influenced by religions like hinduism, buddhism, jainism
  • There were no foreign influence on this style
  • It is found in Mathura and other parts of North India
  • The sculptures mainly depicted the buddhism and jainism

Features of Buddha in Mathura Style of architecture 

  • Shaved head and face of Buddha
  • Delightment in face
  • Muscular and Energetic in nature
  • The posture was – gracefully seated in Padmasana. In some places we can also see a standing Buddha
  • There were 2 other monks known as Padmapani and Vajrapani along with Buddha
  • Around the head we can see a Halo with geometrical shapes

By looking at these features we can say that unlike Gandhara art where there was Greek influence with Buddha sculptures. In Gandhara style Buddha was seen as more spiritual, sad with beard and less ornaments. Buddha was depicted more like a yogi in Gandhara style but in Mathura he was depicted as a much happier person.


The sculpures and architectures depend on how the creators depict it. In mathura style it was depicted in a much pleasant way. There may be various other reasons such as the socio-economic influences or the influence by the king. To improve the moods of the people, Buddha could have been depicted as a happier person rather than showing him in dull way. But, suitable conclusions can only be drawn by analyzing other contemporary artworks.