Q. What is Sangam literature? Give an account of life covered by it.



  • Introduce with brief on Sangam literature.


  • Write about different aspect of Sangam Literature like themes, major work etc.
  • Highlight account of life mentioned in these literary works.


  • Conclude with the Sangam period’s literary treasures not only capture the essence of ancient Tamil culture but also serve as resource for understanding the historical and cultural heritage of South India.


Sangam literature represents an invaluable treasure trove of ancient Tamil literature produced in the region of Tamilakam during the Sangam period, estimated to span roughly from 300 BCE to 300 CE. It is a significant cultural heritage that captures the essence of life, society, culture, and governance prevalent during that era.

This treasure trove of literature comprises various works that encompass both secular and poetic themes, providing unique insights into the socio-cultural fabric, governance, and daily life during the Sangam era.

Themes and Genres:

  • Sangam literature is categorized into two main themes: Akam and Puram. The Akam poetry delves into emotions related to romantic love, while Puram poems explore heroic deeds and public life. The major works are divided into seven tinai, depicting various natural settings, adding depth and atmosphere to the poetry.

Significance and Major Works:

  • The period’s major literary works such as Tolkappiyam, Ettutogai, Pattuppattu, and Pathinenkilkanakku stand as pillars of this ancient literary heritage. These texts provide critical information about the Sangam political systems, society, and ethical values prevalent during that era.

Epics and Influence:

  • Notably, the epics Silappathikaram and Manimegalai, with their vivid narratives and relatable characters, hold significance in the Sangam literature. The Silappathikaram, considered the first Tamil epic, presents a poignant love story intertwined with societal reflections, while the Manimegalai serves as an anti-love narrative, extending the legacy of its predecessor.

The texts encompass a wide range of subjects, painting a vivid picture of the society, governance, economy, culture, and various facets of life during the Sangam period. They cover:

  • Social Life: Sangam literature provides an extensive portrayal of social life, depicting various social classes, occupations, and the day-to-day lives of people. It includes vivid descriptions of occupations such as farming, trade, fishing, and administration. The texts also highlight the social hierarchy and the customs and traditions prevailing at that time.
  • Cultural Practices: The literature extensively covers the cultural life of the people, showcasing their traditions, art, music, dance, and religious beliefs. It narrates stories of festivities, celebrations, and rituals that were a part of everyday life.
  • Economic Aspects: The Sangam texts offer insights into the economic activities of the period, including trade, commerce, agriculture, and the usage of different currencies. They provide details about the thriving trade relationships and the coastal and inland trade routes.
  • Love and Nature: The Sangam literature is renowned for its beautiful poems on love, nature, and the environment. It eloquently describes the emotions, romance, and the beauty of nature through the verses of the Tamil poets.
  • Governance and Politics: These works shed light on the political structure and governance systems prevalent during the Sangam period. The literature reflects the patronage of kings towards poets and scholars and provides glimpses of the political organization and administration.

The Sangam period’s literary treasures not only capture the essence of ancient Tamil culture but also serve as an invaluable resource for understanding the historical and cultural heritage of South India. The enduring legacy of Sangam literature continues to be a foundational aspect in studying the rich tapestry of ancient Tamil society and literature.