Discuss breifly about the society and culture during the rule of Pallavas.


Pallavas were one of the greatest South Indian kingdoms that were present during the 4th to 6th century AD. Kanchipuram was their capital. Sivaskandavarma, Mahendravarma, Simhavishnu, Narasimhavarman were the famous kings of this dynasty. Aparajithavarma was the last ruler of this dynasty


Social life:

  • The society was based on the Aryan culture.
  • Caste system was rigid.
  • Brahmins came to forefront and were patronized.
  • The kings were Hindus and tolerant towards Jainism and Buddhism.
  • Sanskrit was the chief language. Tamil was also used.
  • Vedic traditions were largely followed.

Residential areas were divided as follows

1) Ur: Peasants lived here. Residents were taxed.

2) Sabha/Agraharas: Brahmins lived here tax-free.

3) Nagaram: Merchants & traders lived here with taxation.


  • Aryan culture largely prevailed.
  • Kanchipuram was an excellent centre of learning and had a famous university.
  • The famous literary works were:
  • Nyaya Bhashya by Vatsayana
  • Kiratarjuneeyam by Bharavi
  • Dashakumaracharita by Dandin.
  • The temples had dancers
  • There were saints belonging to 2 different sects namely Nayannars and Alvars.


The Pallava culture was spread to other countries also. There are evidences in countries like Cambodia to substantiate this. The spread of Aryan culture to south India was evident during their reign. Harmony was present between different sects. The inscriptions were written both in Sanskrit and Tamil which shows that the society was multi-faceted.