Focus: Discovering a New Class of Antibiotics:

  • Scientists report a significant breakthrough in antibiotic discovery using deep-learning approaches.
  • This discovery marks the end of a decades-long wait since the last known structural class of antibiotics reported in 2000.
.Source: JPABS

Historical Connection:

  • In 1944, the year of the first artificial neural network proposal, scientists discovered streptomycin, the world’s first aminoglycoside antibiotic.
  • The recent breakthrough deepens the connection between deep-learning and antibiotics, reported in a December 2023 paper in Nature.

Enhancing Drug Development:

  • Unlike previous approaches, scientists identified chemical motifs or substructures used by their deep-learning model to assess a compound’s potential as an antibiotic.
  • Two compounds from this novel class showed efficacy against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections, responsible for numerous human deaths in 2019.

Note: The breakthrough involves making deep-learning models “explainable,” providing transparency in the identification of potential antibiotics and their substructures, expediting drug development

Key Terms

Artificial Neural Network (ANN):

An algorithm inspired by the human brain’s neural networks, designed to process and analyze complex data to recognize patterns and make predictions.


Medications that inhibit or kill bacteria, used to treat bacterial infections in humans and animals, preventing the spread and growth of harmful bacteria.

Deep Learning:

A subset of machine learning, involving neural networks with multiple layers to analyze and process data, enabling complex pattern recognition and decision-making tasks.