Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) Vaccine : No Protection Against Covid-19 Infection

News: According to a recent study, healthcare professionals did not receive any meaningful protection from Covid-19 infection from the BCG vaccine, which is normally given to prevent tuberculosis.

The Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine is a TB vaccine.

The vaccine was created by Calmette and Guerin, and it was given to people for the first time in 1921.

It is the most widely used vaccine and is frequently included in the standard infant vaccination regimen.

Leprosy and Buruli ulcer are two non-tuberculous mycobacterial illnesses that are protected against by the BCG vaccine.

Young children and infants are frequently given it.

Because there is little evidence that it works particularly well in adults, it is rarely administered to people over the age of 16.