
  • GS 3: Defence technology

Why in the News?

India’s second nuclear submarine, INS Arighaat, was commissioned yesterday, augmenting India’s nuclear warships and deterrence capabilities, symbolizing significant progress in civil defence technology.

 Source: Indian express 


  • INS Arighaat launch marks an important milestone in India’s defense capabilities, enhancing its three nuclear warships with advanced submarines.
  • Development reflects India’s progress towards self-reliance in defense technology, strengthen its maritime capabilities and contributing to national security by enhancing indigenous innovation.

India’s nuclear triad

Nuclear deterrence

  • INS Arighaat addition to the Indian Navy significantly enhances India’s nuclear triad, which is an integral part of its nuclear deterrence strategy.
  • Nuclear triad refers to the capability to launch nuclear weapons from land, air and sea on, Allowing for a safe second shot.
  • With the launch of Arighaat, India will join a select group of countries — including the US, Russia, China and France — that have nuclear capabilities of this magnitude

INS Arighaat range capability

  • INS Arighaat is India’s first SSBN a vast improvement over its predecessor INS Arihant.
  • Equipped with state-of-the-art technology and internally developed systems, making it more reliable and trustwothry.
  • Arighaat is powered by a small pressurized hydro nuclear reactor with a capacity of 83 MW, which enhances its stealth and survivability compared to traditional diesel and electric submarines.

Industrialization and Indigenous Elements

Increased participation

  • Construction of INS Arighaat is an important step in India’s efforts to establish itself in the defence industry.
  • The submarine encourages state-of-the-art facilities, with approximately 60% of the systems and equipment developed locally.
  • This is a significant increase from INS Arihant’s 30% indigenous content, reflecting India’s progress in indigenous manufacturing of advanced defence technologies.

Industrial and technical development

  • The development of Arighaat involves complex technology, advanced manufacturing and specialized infrastructure.
  • This achievement is a proof to the capabilities of India’s defense-scientific community, including Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) and Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO).
  • Moreover, submarine is developed with contribution of both public and private partners, showcasing India’s defence- industrial ecosystem.

Sea-based nuclear deterrence strategy- Strategic Relevance


  • The sea-based leg of the nuclear triad represented by Arighaat and other SSBNs is considered the most reliable and survivable nuclear deterrent.
  • Unlike land-based missiles and nuclear weapons pitch the air, SSBNs can be concealed underwater, making it less likely that they will have a strike capability first, thus deterring potential adversaries from planning nuclear advances.

Adherence to “no first use” policy

  • “No First Use” policy on which India’s nuclear doctrine is based on, means India will not be First to use nuclear weapons in war.
  • The launch of INS Arighaat strengthens this policy by providing a reliable second-strike capability, ensuring that India can respond authoritatively to any nuclear strike.

Maintaining global and regional stability

Balance of power

  • INS Arighaat deployment enhances India’s strategic position in the Indian Ocean region and contributes to regional stability.
  • As increasing security challenges and the presence of nuclear-armed states in the region, India’s robust sea-based nuclear solution acts as a deterrent to potential threats and helps to balance strategic a through operations, thus preventing any one country from dominating the region militarily.

Encouraging Global order through deterrence

  • With aim of encouraging nuclear deterrence, India aims to promote peace and stability in the region.
  • Strong nuclear deterrence discourages adversaries from acting aggressively or initiating conflict and war like situation, thereby reducing the likelihood of nuclear escalation.
  • Indian Navy’s induction of Arighaat indicate India’s strong determination to maintain peace and stability in the region through strength and defence capabilites.

Future possibilities and opportunities

Expansion of Indigenous power

  • Arighaat’s successful commission mark the way for future growth and development in India’s submarine capabilities and strength.
  • Understanding developed from the construction and operation of Arighaat can be used to develop and evolve more advanced SSBNs and conventional submarines.
  • This experience will help to,
    • reduce dependence on foreign technology and suppliers
    • enhance India’s strategic autonomy in defence sector.

Technological and commercial impact

  • The construction of INS Arighaat economic implications like
    • Enhances productivity
    • Inspires the defence sector players
    • Creation of jobs
    • Encourage innovation,
    • helps boost India’s defence-industrial complex
  • Continued investment in such projects would not only strengthen national security but also generate economic benefits through increased employment and technological development.

Expanding knowledge while navigating challenges

  • Arighaat is a significant achievement, while also poses challenges like
    • technical, operational and training requirements.
  • However, these challenges provide opportunities for growth and development within the security sector.
  • Overcoming these obstacles will enhance the skills and capabilities of the Indian Navy and scientists and foster a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.


INS Arighaat’s commissioning has boosted India’s defence capabilities showing its strategic commitment to global and regional stability.

Source:Indian Express

Mains Practice Question:

Analyse the launch of arighaat in strengthening India’s sea-based defence capabilities, how it will contribute to global and regional stability while maintaining nuclear deterrence.

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