Why in the News ?

  • A UN report reveals that 86 days in 2023 have already surpassed the 1.5 degrees Celsius temperature threshold.
  • This concerning trend signifies the impact of escalating global greenhouse gas emissions.
Source: Centre for Science Education

Long Term Objective

  • The primary objective is to keep long-term temperature rise within 1.5 degrees Celsius from pre-industrial times.

Escalating Greenhouse Gas Emissions

  • Record-High Emissions:
    • Global greenhouse gas emissions reached a record high of 57.4 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2022.
    • This marks a 1.23% increase from the previous year, surpassing the 2019 record and posing significant challenges for climate mitigation.
  • Emissions Gap Report Findings:
    • The annual Emissions Gap Report by the UN Environment Programme indicates that with current climate policies, the world is on track to warm by at least 3 degrees Celsius by the end of the century.

Global Emission Contributors

  • China, the United States, and India, as the world’s three largest emitters, witnessed a rise in emissions in 2022.

Challenging Climate Targets

  • Projected Temperature Increase:
    • The report suggests that even with countries fulfilling current climate promises with high ambition, the world is headed for a minimum 3-degree Celsius temperature increase by 2100.
  • Emission Gap Challenges:
    • To bridge the emissions gap and meet climate targets, global emissions must drop by at least 8.7% annually from 2024.
    • This stark challenge emphasizes the urgent need for enhanced climate action.

Consequences and Future Outlook

  • Immediate Consequences:
    • The failure to take early action on climate change has resulted in 2023 being poised to become the hottest year on record with September being the hottest month ever.
  • Struggling to Meet Targets:
    • The report underscores that meeting the 1.5 degrees Celsius target is increasingly difficult due to delayed climate action.
    • Early action in 2010 could have significantly reduced the annual emission reductions needed.

The report emphasizes the critical need for collaborative global efforts to address the escalating climate crisis.