
  • The Opposition bloc under INDIA plans to move adjournment motions in Parliament over NEET irregularities and paper leaks in exams.
  • Opposition seeks to halt regular House proceedings to address NEET and exam paper issues.
Source: Learning

Understanding Adjournment Motion:

  • A motion moved to urgently discuss a matter of public importance, requiring consent from the Speaker.
  • Needs support from 50 members for admission in the Lok Sabha; not applicable in the Rajya Sabha.
  • Seen as an extraordinary measure, interrupting regular House business, though its passage does not mandate government resignation.
Other Motions:

Closure Motion:

  • Motion to end debate immediately and proceed to voting on a matter.
  • Approved by the House to halt ongoing discussions and move to decision-making swiftly.

Motion with a Vote:

  • Initiated under Rule 184 in the Lok Sabha, allowing debate and a vote on a specific issue.
  • Outcome binds the government to Parliament’s decision on the matter, reserved for significant national issues.

Short Duration Discussion:

  • Debate under Rule 193 (Lok Sabha) and Rule 176 (Rajya Sabha) on specific public issues.
  • No voting, aims to highlight concerns and gather diverse perspectives within a fixed time limit.

No-Confidence Motion:

  • Filed in the Lok Sabha to test government’s majority support.
  • Requires backing from 50 members; if passed, mandates government resignation.

Confidence Motion:

  • Validates government’s majority, typically called by the President.
  • Passage confirms government’s mandate to govern effectively.

Privilege Motion:

  • Raised against ministers for breaching House privileges.
  • Aims to criticize actions perceived as hindering parliamentary integrity.

Motion of Thanks:

  • Acknowledges President’s Address; must be passed in the Lok Sabha.
  • Failure amounts to a vote against the government.

Cut Motion:

  • Seeks to reduce budget demands.
  • Passage signals lack of confidence in government’s financial management.

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