Why in the news?

  • UN war crimes investigators are monitoring escalating fighting in Myanmar’s Rakhine State.
  • Clashes intensified after the Arakan Army (AA) attacked junta forces in November.

Key Facts about  the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army:

  • ARSA: Rohingya insurgent group in northern Rakhine State, Myanmar.
  • Leadership: Led by Ataullah Abu Ammar Jununi, with leaders in Saudi Arabia.
  • Designation: Declared a terrorist group by Myanmar and Malaysia.
  • Accusations: Alleged involvement with foreign Islamists; denies claims, stating its aim is to defend Rohingya rights.
  • Activities: Members arrested for violence against Rohingyas in Bangladesh.
About Rohingyas:

  • Rohingyas: Indo-Aryan ethnic group in Myanmar’s Rakhine state, predominantly Muslim.
  • Persecution: Designated as one of the most persecuted minorities due to lack of a home state.
  • Refugees: Hundreds of thousands forced to flee attacks by Myanmar’s military, seeking refuge in neighboring countries.
  • Refugee Camps: Many reside in camps along the Bangladesh-Myanmar border.
  • Bhasan Char: In 2021, Bangladesh government relocated refugees to remote silt island, Bhasan Char.

About Rakhine State :

  • Location: Rakhine State in Myanmar (Burma) on the western coast.
  • Borders: Chin State to the north, Magway, Bago, and Ayeyarwady Regions to the east, Bay of Bengal to the west, Chittagong Division of Bangladesh to the northwest.
  • Geography: Separated from central Burma by Arakan Mountains or Rakhine Yoma; includes islands like Ramree, Cheduba, and Myingun.
  • Area: Spans 36,762 square kilometers (14,194 sq mi).
  • Capital: Sittwe, formerly known as Akyab.

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