Why in the news?

IMD forecasts above-normal monsoon with 106% rainfall. Transition from El Nino to La Nina favours favourable conditions. Positive Indian Ocean Dipole expected.

 Understanding the Factors Influencing Forecast:

  • Transition of weakening El Nino in Pacific Ocean to neutral conditions ahead of monsoon onset.
  • Likely emergence of La Nina in the latter half of season, historically associated with above normal rainfall.
  • Positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) conditions expected to support rainfall over India during monsoon season.
  • India is expected to receive “above normal” rainfall for the upcoming monsoon season, as per IMD’s forecast.
  • Predicted rainfall stands at 106% of the long period average (LPA), with nearly nationwide coverage except for some areas in the northwest, east, and northeast regions.
What is the India Meteorological Department?

Establishment and Role:

  • Founded in 1875, India Meteorological Department (IMD) serves as the national meteorological service.
  • It is the primary government agency for meteorology and related subjects in India.

Affiliation and Headquarters:

  • Operates under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India.
  • Headquartered in New Delhi.

Global Recognition:

  • Recognized as one of the six Regional Specialized Meteorological Centres by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

What is El Niño and La Nina?

El Nino:

  • Warm phase of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle.
  • Characterised by unusual warming of surface waters in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean.
  • Typically lasts for 9 to 12 months but can extend longer.
  • More frequent compared to La Niña.
  • Peaks during the Northern Hemisphere winter.

La Nina:

  • Cool phase of the ENSO cycle, opposite to El Niño.
  • Involves unusual cooling of the tropical eastern Pacific.
  • Events may persist for one to three years.
  • Less frequent compared to El Niño.
  • Also tends to peak during the Northern Hemisphere winter.
