Why in the News?

  • Special COP-28 ministerial meeting addressed urbanization and climate change.

About Urbanization and Climate Change:

  • Urban population increased from 44% to 55%, expected to reach 68% by 2050.
  • Urban areas consume 75% of primary energy and contribute to 70% of CO2 emissions.
  • City representatives advocated for multi-level green deal governance, urging recognition of their role in climate negotiations.

Challenges in Global South Cities:

  • Vulnerability of Global South cities due to empowerment issues, informal sectors, and climate-induced disasters.
  • Inequities, slum dwellings, and pollution pose challenges.
  • Radical shift needed in city governance processes for fair participation in climate action and compensation claims.
COP-28 Overview:

·  Described as a mixed bag, COP-28 in Dubai triggered discussions on fossil fuels.

·  Emphasis on Global Stock Taking (GST) over Paris climate deals and approval of the Loss and Damage Fund.

·  Focus on both mitigation and adaptation strategies.