World Health Day 2023

News: World Health Day is observed annually on April 7. The World Health Organization was established in 1948, and today, April 7, is the organisation’s founding anniversary.

The idea for World Health Day originated during the First Health Assembly in 1948 and was implemented in 1950.

It is observed annually, and each year it raises awareness to a particular health issue that affects people all over the world.

Health for All is the theme for 2023.

A health camp and a flash mob were organised to raise awareness of non-communicable diseases (NCD) among the general public on April 7 in honour of World Health Day.

The objectives of World Health Day are to promote health equity by addressing inequities, raise public awareness of global health challenges, foster stakeholder engagement, and showcase global health improvement efforts.

This includes raising awareness of the value of health, ensuring that everyone has access to medical treatment, and lowering the burden of sickness in underprivileged areas and low- and middle-income nations.