Long-Tailed Duck Species : Spotted

News: After 116 years, long-tailed duck species have been discovered at Kashmir’s famous Wular Lake.


The lovely Long-tailed Duck lives in the high Arctic and spends the majority of its winters near ocean shorelines.

They are incredible divers and can swim down 200 feet to scavenge.

Long-tailed Ducks don’t dive with their feet like other ducks do; instead, they flap their partly opened wings.

It belongs to a group of species covered by the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA). Vulnerable

Lake Wular: One of Asia’s biggest freshwater waterways is called Wular Lake. It is situated in Jammu and Kashmir’s Bandipora region.


The Jhelum River feeds the lake basin, which was created as a consequence of tectonic activity.

At the mouth of Wular Lake, there is a “navigation lock-cum-control structure” called the Tulbul Project.

It has the designation of Ramsar location.