Disqualification Of Member Of Parliaments

News: Rahul Gandhi, the leader of the Congress, was recently removed from the Lok Sabha.


The Constitution’s Article 102 contains the disqualification rule.

Under certain circumstances, a person is prohibited from running for office and serving as a member of parliament, according to the law:

If he holds any paid positions with the federal or state governments, (except that of a minister or any other office exempted by Parliament).

if a judge has determined that he is mentally incompetent.

Whether he is an unsolved insolvent.

If he is not an Indian citizen, has chosen to become a citizen of another country, or has pledged loyalty to another country.

if he is otherwise ineligible under a Parliament-made law.

Article 102 also authorises Parliament to create laws determining criteria of disqualifications.

State legislators also fall under similar protections.