Yaya Tso to be Ladakh’s First Biodiversity Heritage Site

News: Ladakh’s Yaya Tso Lake is referred to as the Bird’s Paradise. The lake is 4,820 kilometres above sea level. The lake is a well-liked location for black-necked cranes to breed. Recently, the lake was designated as a “Biodiversity Heritage Site.” It is Ladakh’s first location designated as a Biosphere Reserve.

  • Under the Biological Diversity Act of 2002, any State Government must notify a site that it is a BHS. It should have jurisdiction over the location. High endemism, domesticated species, and rare and endangered species can all be found in the BHS.



  • The project’s primary goal is to protect Snow leopards in the area. It also discusses habitat destruction, affected livelihoods, and illegal wildlife trade. The project’s funding comes from the Global Environment Facility.


  • According to the guidelines in Section 37 of the legislation, the Biodiversity Heritage sites are designated. According to the statute, these regions are fragile and distinctive. A biodiversity heritage site designation can be given to any landform. It can include inland waters, coastal areas, highland areas, and marine environments.
  • According to the statute, the State Governments must enact rules.
  • The state government is given authority under Section 3 of the act to rehabilitate communities in areas that will be designated as Biodiversity Heritage Sites.