Write a brief note on Tiger conservation in India on the backdrop of importance of the Global Tiger Day.


International tiger day is celebrated on July 29. It was started on July 29, 2010 at the Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit in Russia. The goal of the summit was to double the tiger population in signatory countries. The theme for 2021 is “their survival is in our hands”.


The current population of tiger is around 3900 in the world. India is home to 51 tiger reserves across 18 states. Tiger is also the national animal of India. India accounts for nearly 70% of world’s tiger population.

Reasons for decreasing tiger population:

  • Poaching
  • Human-wildlife conflict
  • Loss of habitat
  • Illegal trading
  • Deforestation
  • Urbanisation

Tiger conservation steps:

Project tiger has been started to provide assistance to states. The animal has been declared as endangered. Madhya Pradesh has highest population of tigers and is followed by Karnataka and Uttarakhand. India’s tiger population is 2967 as of year 2018.


According to World Wide Fund for Nature(WWF) there were 1,00,000 tigers at the beginning of the 20th century. Due to various reasons some of which are mentioned above, the population had drastically decreased. Now, various countries have started the conservation methods so that there is slight increase in the niumbers. Lot of efforts are still required in this direction by both the government and other non governmental organisations without which the intended goals will not be achieved.