With suitable examples briefly explain the trophic levels in an ecosystem and the flow of energy through them.


Trophic levels in an ecosystem refers to the representation of energy flow in an ecosystem. Organisms occupy different levels in a food chain. It is based on the nutritional requirements. The energy flow is unidirectional.


The trophic level interaction:

1) Food chain Transfer of food energy from plants to other organisms present in the ecosystem.

Ex: Grass—–> Grasshopper——–> Frog——> Snake——> Hawk

Each step is known as trophic level.

2) Food web Multiple chains involve and form a food web. It shows possible pathways for energy flow

Removal of intermediate food chains results in imbalance in the nature.



3) Energy Pyramid The pyramidal representation of the trophic levels and the organisms in it are called as energy pyramid. There are 3 types of energy pyramid.

a) Pyramid of number- Based on Total number of individuals present. It can be inverted or upstraight.

b) Pyramid of biomass- Based on Dry weight of the organisms. It can be inverted or upstraight.

c) Pyramid of energy- Based on total amount of energy. It is always upright.
