Why in the News ?

  • The World Health Organization (WHO) has officially recognized loneliness as a significant global health concern, shedding light on its profound impact on well-being.

Source: NDTV Network

International Commission to address loneliness:

  • World Health Organization has launched an international commission dedicated to addressing loneliness, with leadership entrusted to Vivek Murthy, the US surgeon general.
  • The commission’s mandate spans three years, underscoring the long-term commitment to tackling this pervasive issue.

Loneliness’s Mortality Impact Comparable to Smoking:

  • Study draws attention to the severity of loneliness by equating its mortality effects to smoking 15 cigarettes daily.
  • This striking comparison emphasizes the urgent need to address loneliness as a public health priority.

Global Prevalence of Social Isolation

  • Study reveals a consistent “one in four” older people experiencing social isolation across various regions globally.
  • This alarming statistic underscores the widespread nature of the problem, cutting across geographical boundaries.

Impact of Covid-19 on Loneliness Levels

  • The Covid-19 pandemic, disrupting economic and social activities, has exacerbated loneliness worldwide.
  • Increased awareness surrounding loneliness’s detrimental effects has prompted a collective effort to address this mental health crisis.

The Need of the Hour

  • To develop strategies for mitigating loneliness’s far-reaching consequences.
  • Emphasize the urgency of prioritizing mental well-being on the global health agenda.

WHO’s acknowledgment of loneliness as a global health threat signals a paradigm shift in understanding and addressing mental health challenges.