
  • GS3: Indian Economy and issues relating to Planning, Mobilization of Resources, Growth, Development and Employment.

Why in the News?

  • The Reserve Bank of India’s December bulletin sheds light on the dynamics of inflation in India.
  • It suggests that while supply-side factors primarily contribute to inflation, there are times when demand-side influences become significant.
Source: the Hindu

Inflation Dynamics in India

  • Typically, inflation in India is chiefly influenced by supply-related factors, as highlighted in the Reserve Bank of India’s December bulletin.

Demand Factors in Focus

  • The article notes that while supply disruptions were the main cause of inflation during the two COVID-19 waves, the dynamics shifted post the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
  • Demand-related factors gained prominence in influencing inflation trends in India.

Pandemic’s Economic Impact

Lockdown-induced Decline

  • The pandemic’s onset triggered significant production and demand declines, causing a sharp economic contraction.
  • This phase witnessed reduced commodity prices due to weakened demand.

Uneven Recovery Post-Reopening

  • Subsequent to economic reopening facilitated by vaccine distribution, demand rebounded faster than supply.
  • This imbalance exerted upward pressure on commodity prices.

Russia-Ukraine Conflict Impact

  • The 2022 Russia-Ukraine conflict intensified supply chain challenges.
  • Compounding existing pressures on commodity prices, as highlighted in the Reserve Bank of India’s December bulletin.

Deciphering Inflation Drivers: Supply vs. Demand

Data Analysis Approach

  • Utilizing consumer expenditure data from the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy, the article employs a methodical approach to discern whether inflation in India is propelled by supply-side or demand-side factors.

Demand-Driven Inflation

  • The analysis identifies demand-driven inflation when there is an unforeseen simultaneous shift in prices and quantities, aligning in the same direction.
  • Increased demand correlates with rising prices and quantities, while decreased demand corresponds to reductions in both.

Supply-Driven Inflation

  • Conversely, inflation is classified as supply-driven when unexpected changes in prices and quantities move in opposite directions.
  • Decreased supply is associated with lower volumes but increased prices, and vice versa.

Inflation Analysis (January 2019 – May 2023)

Supply-Side Constraints

  • According to the applied methodology, categories like vegetables, oils and fats, milk, eggs, pulses, and sugar consistently face supply-side constraints, impacting their inflation dynamics.
Source: The hindu

Demand-Side Influences

  • Conversely, items such as non-alcoholic beverages, personal care products, and health-related goods are predominantly influenced by demand-side factors, reflecting a distinct pattern in their Consumer Price Index (CPI) sub-group level inflation contributions.

Headline Inflation Analysis: Factors and Trends

Supply-Dominant Periods

  • Analyzing CPI weights, the combination of demand and supply factors at the sub-group level provides insights into overall headline inflation trends.
  • Supply factors predominantly drove inflation during specific periods: October 2019-January 2020 (excess rainfall causing disruptions), pandemic stages (related restrictions and supply chain challenges), and the early phase of the Russia-Ukraine conflict (supply shortages and global commodity price spikes).

Supply’s Average Contribution

  • On average, supply-side factors constituted approximately 55% of CPI headline inflation from January 2019 to May 2023.
Source: The Hindu
  • Chart 2 visually represents the monthly contribution of demand and supply to CPI inflation (excluding housing) during this period, highlighting the varying impacts of these factors over time.

Shifting Dynamics of Demand-side Impact

COVID-19 Crisis

  • During the COVID-19 crisis, the influence of demand-side factors on headline inflation declined, plummeting from 41.5% in 2019 to 27.1% in 2020.

Intermittent Increases Post-COVID

  • Despite the initial decrease, the relevance of demand-side factors intermittently increased post-COVID-19 waves and during the Russia-Ukraine conflict aftermath.
  • Notably, these factors played a crucial role in the peak inflation observed in April 2022

Overall Contribution

  • Across the entire January 2019 to May 2023 period, demand-driven factors contributed 31% to inflation, underscoring their enduring influence amid changing economic landscapes.

·  Inflation is the sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period, leading to a decrease in the purchasing power of currency.

Demand-side Factors of Inflation

Consumer Demand

·  When consumers demand more goods and services than the available supply, it can lead to increased prices.

·  For example, a surge in demand for electronic gadgets during the festive season.

Government Spending

·  Government initiatives that boost spending, like increased infrastructure projects, can create a higher demand for resources, contributing to inflation.

Investment Demand

·  If businesses increase investments, creating a demand for capital goods, it can lead to higher prices in that sector.

Consumer Expectations

·  When consumers anticipate future price increases, they may buy more now, increasing current demand and causing inflation.

Global Economic Conditions

·  External factors like changes in global economic conditions can impact demand.

·  For instance, a rise in oil prices globally can affect various industries.

Supply-side Factors of Inflation

Cost-push Inflation

·  An increase in production costs, such as higher wages or raw material prices, can lead to cost-push inflation.

·  For example, a surge in oil prices affecting transportation costs.

Natural Disasters

·  Events like floods or droughts can disrupt the supply of agricultural goods, leading to shortages and increased prices.

Government Regulations

·  Stringent regulations or taxes on production can constrain supply, resulting in inflation.

·  For instance, increased environmental regulations impacting manufacturing.

Technological Disruptions

·  Rapid technological advancements can create supply shortages as industries adapt, affecting prices.

Source : 



Mains Practice Question

Examine the factors influencing inflation in India, focusing on the interplay between demand and supply issues. Discuss the shift in the causes of inflation during the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine conflict, emphasizing the role of supply disruptions and demand forces.