Watching superfast subatomic particles move


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 Why in the News?

 Nobel Prize in Physics 2023 awarded to Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz and Anne L’Huillier for experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics in matter.

  • In our everyday lives, we often encounter processes that happen so rapidly that they elude our observation. Just like the instantaneous destruction of an apple when struck by a bullet.
  • However, there are phenomena in the universe, particularly at the atomic and subatomic levels, that occur at astonishing speeds, far beyond the reach of conventional observation.
  • The groundbreaking work of three Nobel laureates has paved the way for humanity to explore these ultrafast processes, offering invaluable insights into the behavior of electrons within atoms and molecules.

The Need for Ultrafast Observation

  • Atoms and molecules frequently undergo rapid movements or changes that transpire within picoseconds or even femtoseconds.
  • To observe and understand these fleeting events, scientists required tools akin to high-speed cameras with incredibly short shutter speeds.
  • However, there existed processes that unfolded even faster, occurring within attoseconds—a thousandth of a femtosecond. The motion of electrons within atoms, for instance, was a realm long considered inaccessible.

Breaking the Barrier: Attosecond Science

  • The limitations of femtosecond “photography” in capturing such ultrafast phenomena spurred the quest for even shorter pulses of light, in the attosecond range.
  • This seemed like a formidable challenge until the pioneering works of Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz, and Anne L’Huillier shattered the boundaries of possibility.
  • These visionary scientists, aged 58, 61, and 65, respectively, were awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics for their experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light, enabling the study of electron dynamics in matter.
  • Notably, Anne L’Huillier became just the fifth woman to be honored with the Physics Nobel Prize, marking a significant milestone in the field.

The Significance of Attosecond Science

  • Attosecond science revolutionizes the way we observe and comprehend processes by emphasizing the importance of measuring at a pace faster than the rate of change.
  • Just as high-speed cameras capture clear images of fast-moving objects, attosecond science enables us to witness the intricate dance of subatomic particles.
  • It addresses a fundamental challenge—the inherent limitations of light pulses. Light, as we know it, comprises electromagnetic waves or vibrations, and its shortest possible pulse is at least one cycle long, equivalent to its wavelength.
  • Traditional laser systems produced pulses lasting a few femtoseconds, which was still too long to observe electron motion occurring in attoseconds.

Dynamics at the Subatomic Level 

  • Understanding the dynamics at the subatomic level is a complex endeavor. Electrons, being much lighter than atoms, exhibit dynamics that are 100 to 1,000 times faster than those of their atomic counterparts.
  • This discrepancy in speed arises from differences in inertia, with electrons possessing significantly lower inertia due to their smaller mass.
  • Researchers like Sivarama Krishnan at IT Madras employ femtosecond and attosecond light pulses to investigate dynamics in nano-scale systems, shedding light on the fundamental principles governing the subatomic realm.

Innovative Methods for Attosecond Pulses

  • The pioneering work of Agostini, Krausz, and L’Huillier rests on their innovative methods, often involving the manipulation of light with different wavelengths.
  • These methods yield attosecond pulses, described by the Nobel Prize committee as “windows to explore phenomena that were previously impossible to observe.”
  • The ability to generate attosecond pulses has unlocked a treasure trove of scientific insights, allowing researchers to witness electron dynamics with unprecedented precision.

Beyond Observation: Scripting the Next Film

  • For scientists, the goal extends beyond mere observation; they aspire to script the next chapter in the story of these ultrafast processes.
  • As Krishnan aptly puts it, “Scientists are interested not just in watching the film; they would also like to script the next film.”
  • This quest to understand and control ultrafast processes has been a driving force behind the recognition of pioneering work in this field, exemplified by the Nobel Prizes awarded over the past three decades.

Potential Applications of Attosecond Science

  • Attosecond science holds immense potential across a spectrum of disciplines, from electronics to medicine, and spans physics, chemistry, and biology.
  • One particularly promising avenue is in medical science, where researchers explore the application of attosecond technology in developing therapies for cancer care.
  • The ability to manipulate and understand ultrafast processes opens up new possibilities for groundbreaking advancements in various domains.

To conclude, the Nobel Prize awarded to Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz, and Anne L’Huillier for their contributions to attosecond science marks a significant milestone in our understanding of the ultrafast processes occurring at the subatomic level. Their innovative methods for generating attosecond pulses of light have not only expanded the horizons of scientific observation but also hold the potential to revolutionize multiple fields, shaping the future of research and technological advancement.


Noble prize


– The Nobel Prize was established through the will of Alfred Nobel, a versatile figure known as an inventor, entrepreneur, scientist, poet, and dramatist.

– Nobel left the majority of his fortune to create prizes in five categories: Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace.

– The prizes were to be awarded to those who had conferred the greatest benefit to humankind during the preceding year.

Alfred Nobel held 355 patents and is notably recognized for inventing dynamite.

The first Nobel Prizes were awarded in 1901, and they have been presented annually since then, with a few exceptions during World War I and World War II.

– The Nobel Day, observed on 10 December each year, commemorates Alfred Nobel’s death and serves as the day for presenting the Nobel Prizes to laureates.

In 1968, the Sveriges Riksbank established the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel.

– Nobel laureates receive a Nobel Prize diploma, a medal, and a document specifying the prize amount, which currently stands at 10 million Swedish krona or approximately $900,000.

– The Nobel Prize can be shared by up to three individuals, or in the case of the Peace Prize, it can also be awarded to organizations.

While the Nobel Prize cannot be awarded posthumously, a recipient who dies after the prize announcement may still receive it.

– Alfred Nobel designated Swedish institutions to be responsible for selecting Nobel laureates, except for the Peace Prize, which is decided by a committee elected by the Norwegian Parliament.

– The Nobel medals cannot be revoked, as per Alfred Nobel’s will and the statutes of the Nobel Foundation.

– To become a Nobel Prize laureate, one must be nominated by an eligible nominator, with self-nomination being prohibited. Nomination is typically by invitation only.

– Malala Yousafzai, who received the Peace Prize in 2014 at the age of 17, is the youngest Nobel Laureate.

– John B. Goodenough, honored with the Chemistry Prize in 2019, holds the record as the oldest recipient at 97 years old.

– Marie Curie is the only woman to have been honored twice, receiving the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 and the Prize in Chemistry in 1911.

– The institutions responsible for selecting Nobel Prize laureates include The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Karolinska Institutet, The Swedish Academy, and a committee elected by the Norwegian Parliament for the Nobel Peace Prize.


Attosecond physics

– Attosecond physics, also known as attophysics or attosecond science, explores light-matter interactions using incredibly short attosecond (10^-18 seconds) photon pulses to examine dynamic processes in matter with unparalleled time resolution.

– Attosecond science primarily employs pump-probe spectroscopic methods to investigate physical phenomena, necessitating a combination of cutting-edge experimental setups and advanced theoretical tools for data interpretation.

– The primary areas of interest in attosecond physics encompass:

– Atomic physics: Examining electron correlation effects, photo-emission delay, and ionization tunneling.

– Molecular physics and molecular chemistry: Investigating electronic motion in molecular excited states, such as charge-transfer processes, light-induced photo-fragmentation, and light-induced electron transfer.

– Solid-state physics: Exploring exciton dynamics in advanced 2D materials, petahertz charge carrier motion in solids, and spin dynamics in ferromagnetic materials.

– A key objective of attosecond science is to provide profound insights into the quantum dynamics of electrons in atoms, molecules, and solids. The ultimate challenge is achieving real-time control of electron motion in matter.

– The current world record for the shortest human-generated light pulse stands at 43 attoseconds.


Sources: Indian Express

Mains Question

“Discuss the significance of attosecond science in enabling the observation and understanding of ultrafast processes at the subatomic level. How have the innovative methods developed by Nobel laureates Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz, and Anne L’Huillier expanded our scientific horizons, and what potential applications does attosecond science hold across various disciplines?”