Formation of ULFA and Initial Demands:

  • Emerged from the Assam Agitation of 1979, expressing concerns about illegal immigration.
  • Formed on April 7, 1979, by radicals like Arabinda Rajkhowa, Anup Chetia, and Paresh Baruah.
  • Aimed at establishing a sovereign Assam through armed struggle.
Source: India Today

Peace Process and Agreement Details:

  • Pro-talks faction signed a tripartite peace deal on December 29, 2023, addressing Assam’s development and indigenous rights.
  • ULFA agrees to renounce violence, disarm, disband, vacate camps, and participate in democratic processes.
  • The accord emphasizes a ₹1.5 lakh crore investment for Assam’s holistic development.
  • Addresses political demands, including territorial integrity, boundary disputes, and representation in the Assam Assembly.
About Assam Accord:

·   Signed in 1985.

·   Tripartite agreement among the Government of India, State Government of Assam, and leaders of Assam Movement.

·   Concluded a six-year agitation by AASU in 1979, seeking identification and deportation of illegal immigrants.

·   Specifies March 24, 1971, as the cut-off for detecting illegal foreigners in Assam.

·   Originally, the demand was to address migrants entering illegally after 1951.

Clause 6 of the Accord:

·   Ensures constitutional, legislative, and administrative safeguards to preserve Assamese cultural, social, linguistic identity, and heritage.