UN Peacekeeping Force

Context:A United Nations peacekeeper from South Africa was killed and another wounded in an attack on their helicopter in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

About UNPF 

  • The U.N. Peacekeeping mission is a joint effort between the Department of Peace Operations and the Department of Operational Support of U.N. , and aims to assist host countries to transition from situations of conflict to peace.
  • The U.N. began its Peacekeeping efforts in 1948 when it deployed military observers to West Asia. The Peacekeeping mission’s role was to monitor the Armistice Agreement between Israel and its Arab neighbours.
  • N. Peacekeepers provide security as well as political and peacebuilding support to conflict-ridden countries.
  • The three basic principles that guide U.N.’s Peacekeeping missions are:
    • Consent of the parties
    • Impartiality
    • Non-use of force except in self-defence and defence of the mandate


UN. military personnel can be tasked with:


  • Protecting civilians and other U.N. personnel
  • Monitoring disputed borders
  • Observing peace processes in post-conflict areas
  • Providing security in conflict zones
  • Providing security during elections
  • Assisting in-country military personnel with training and support
  • Assisting ex-combatants in implementing the peace agreements

India and Peacekeeping

  • India has provided more than 260,000 troops and personnel for UN peacekeeping missions over six decades, and it is currently one of the largest troop and police contributors.
  • More than 5,700 Indian peacekeepers are deployed with nine of the 12 UN peacekeeping missions.
  • A total of 177 Indian peacekeepers have died while serving with peacekeeping missions, the highest of any troop-contributing country.


Issues Faced by the Peacekeeping Forces


Problems at the Ground-level 

  • Many of peacekeeping operations are in an environment that is deteriorating, both from the point of view of the political environment, but also the security environment.
  • Political efforts to solve conflict are not moving forward in most of these situations, and the threats against peacekeepers, against the population they are protecting are increasing.
  • In many operations, particularly the big operations in Africa, the threat is either from terrorist groups or criminal groups and they are not interested in peace, they are not interested in stability, they are interested in chaos.



Issues within the Organisational apparatus

  • Troops contributing states do not get enough say in the peacekeeping missions. Troop- and police-contributing countries need to be involved in the process of making decisions.
  • India has complained that the mandate is for peacekeeping, but when soldiers actually go to the ground, it quickly becomes a mandate for peace enforcing, something they are not actually prepared for.



Reforms Needed


  • Peacekeeping missions should be given “clear and realistic mandates” that are matched with adequate resources.
  • Coordination with host governments will help address misinformation and disinformation against peacekeepers and enhance their safety.
  • There should be “all-out efforts to bring the perpetrators of crimes against peacekeepers to justice. The UN should ensure that the proposed memorial wall for fallen peacekeepers at the world body’s headquarters is installed urgently.
  • India has called for introducing advanced technology in peacekeeping missions to overcome security challenges. In 2021, India supported the rolling out of the “Unite Aware” platform to enhance the safety of peacekeepers.
  • The Security Council should support the role of regional and sub-regional organisations in mediation, monitoring of ceasefires, assistance in implementing peace accords, and post-conflict rebuilding.
  • Peacekeeping missions should factor in an “exit strategy from their very inception”. “There are several examples of redundant peacekeeping missions which continue to be a drain on the UN’s depleting resources.



Practice Question


1.    What are the issues faced by UN peacekeeping forces? Suggest solutions to improve the situation?