
  • GS 2: Bilateral, Regional and Global Groupings and Agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests.

Why in the News?

  • December’s sixth National Security Advisor (NSA) meeting of the Colombo Security Conclave (CSC) marked a crucial point in India’s regional security strategy.
  • The meeting assessed CSC’s progress in the past year and devised a roadmap for 2024 to enhance security in the Indian Ocean.
Source: Lotus Arise
About Colombo Security Conclave (CSC)

Formation and Expansion:

·   Origin: Established in 2011 as a trilateral maritime security collaboration involving India, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives.

·   Membership Expansion: At the fifth meeting of national security advisers, Mauritius joined as the fourth member, emphasizing the inclusive nature of the CSC.

·   Observer Participation: Bangladesh and Seychelles, initially observers, have received invitations to become active participants in the group.

Envisaged Areas of Cooperation:

The CSC’s strategic objectives, identified during its fifth meeting, revolve around five crucial pillars:

·   Maritime Safety and Security

·   Countering Terrorism and Radicalization

·   Combating Trafficking and Transnational Organized Crime

·   Cyber Security, Protection of Critical Infrastructure and Technology

·   Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief

Significance and Objectives:

·   Regional Cooperation Emphasis: CSC serves as India’s instrumental outreach to the Indian Ocean, highlighting the importance of collaborative efforts and shared security objectives.

·   Counterbalancing China’s Influence: A key objective is to limit China’s influence in a strategically significant area and diminish its footprint within member countries.

·   Maritime Security Priority: Given India’s extensive coastline and strategic chokepoints, the CSC plays a pivotal role in prioritizing maritime security for the nation.

·    Alignment with SAGAR Vision: The CSC aligns with India’s broader vision of “SAGAR: Security and Growth for all in the Region” and complements its participation in the QUAD grouping.

·   Global Significance: This development holds broader global significance, indicating collaborative efforts in addressing shared maritime and security challenges.

Countering China’s Influence:

·   Strategic Approach: The CSC is strategically positioned to counterbalance China’s growing influence in the Indian Ocean region.

·   Regional Cooperation Impact: By fostering cooperation among member countries, the CSC aims to mitigate China’s sway and protect shared security interests.

Synergy with SAGAR Vision:

·   Vision Alignment: The CSC’s objectives resonate with India’s SAGAR vision, emphasizing security and growth for all in the region.

·   Complementary Role: As a member of the QUAD grouping, India leverages the CSC to complement its broader regional engagement and security initiatives.

About the Changing Dynamics :

  • The CSC’s formation in 2011 with India, the Maldives, and Sri Lanka for trilateral maritime security faced disruptions post-2014 due to tensions between India and the Maldives.
  • India’s initiative in 2020 revived and institutionalized CSC, emphasizing its strategic vision for the evolving dynamics of the Indian Ocean.
  • The push to expand the CSC to Mauritius, Seychelles, and Bangladesh reflects India’s commitment to addressing emerging challenges.
  • The absence of the Maldives, a member-state, highlighted the impact of domestic politics on regional collaboration.

India’s Strategic Vision :

  • India, as a traditional power in the Indian Ocean, has actively contributed to regional security by aiding island nations in defense, security capacity building, infrastructure development, and equipment provision.
  • The CSC provides India with an opportunity to institutionalize its role, shape the regional security architecture, and tackle existing and emerging threats.
  • India’s leadership is crucial as the Indian Ocean becomes a focal point in the evolving multipolar world, attracting competition from extra-regional powers.

Role of CSC in India’s Regional Leadership:

  • Cooperation in key sectors like maritime security, counter-terrorism,etc allows India to understand and respond to Indian Ocean threats effectively.
  • Despite vulnerabilities, the CSC remains integral for India to consolidate its regional leadership amid increased ambitions, responsibilities, and threats.
  • India’s engagement with the CSC facilitates collaborative efforts on capacity-building in counter-terrorism, law enforcement, and cyber-security.
  • The CSC’s flexibility contributes to the security of the Indian Ocean by addressing issues such as terrorism financing, narcotics trafficking, and marine pollution.
  • The CSC serves as a crucial instrument for India to navigate the complex geopolitics of the Indo-Pacific region.

Linking the Revival to the ChinaFactor

  • China’s substantial investments in the Indian Ocean through the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) projects aim to secure access and control over crucial sea lines of communication.
  • China’s naval capabilities, defense relationships with Indian Ocean states, and strategic bases, including Sri Lanka’s Hambantota port, raise concerns for regional security.
  • The CSC’s focus on pillars like maritime security, counter-terrorism, cyber-security, and humanitarian assistance aims to address challenges posed by China’s expanding presence.
  • Recognizing that regional countries may not uniformly perceive China as a threat, the CSC adopts a strategic accommodation approach.

Challenges :

  • Emerging Sub-regionalism: The convergence of six Indian Ocean region countries within the CSC signifies the emergence of sub-regionalism on a unified maritime and security platform.
  • Domestic Politics: The CSC, despite its strategic importance, remains vulnerable to domestic political changes in member-states, as evidenced by the Maldives’ absence from the recent meeting.
  • Domestic political considerations, including nationalist sentiments and geopolitical alignments, influence member-states’ engagement with the CSC.
  • Unfair Diplomacy :All CSC member-states being democracies may continue to play nationalist and pro-China cards for domestic and external benefits.

Way Forward:

  • India should consider acknowledging that the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) is evolving into a global common.
  • Increasing security issues and uncertainties necessitate strong cooperation in the IOR.
  • The Colombo Security Conclave (CSC) is more likely to succeed if it upholds a common strategic vision which emphasizes the importance of not being hindered by the escalating Chinese influence in the region.
  • Avoid points of contention with neighbouring countries and foster collaboration in the region.

The evolving role of the Colombo Security Conclave reflects India’s commitment to addressing regional challenges, especially in the context of China’s expanding influence. The CSC serves as a strategic platform for fostering cooperation, navigating political dynamics, and consolidating India’s leadership in the Indian Ocean region.



Mains Practice Question:

Critically analyze the evolving role of the Colombo Security Conclave (CSC) in India’s regional security strategy, particularly in the context of China’s growing influence in the Indian Ocean.