
  • GS-3- Digital revolution , impact on environment ,Data analytics.

Focus :

This article delves into the growing environmental concerns associated with the rapid development and deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. It explores how AI’s increasing energy consumption contributes to higher greenhouse gas emissions, examines the role of data centers, and discusses potential strategies to mitigate these impacts.

Source - IE


  • Emerging Concerns: The rapid development of AI and its integration into various sectors have led to significant environmental concerns.
  • Study Findings: Studies indicate that AI technologies consume substantial amounts of electricity, leading to increased greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Industry Focus: The article primarily focuses on the environmental footprint of AI and the role of data centers in exacerbating these issues.

Power Guzzling Intelligence

  • Energy Consumption: AI processes, especially training large models, require immense computational power, leading to high energy consumption.
  • Google’s Example: In 2021, Google’s AI operations demonstrated a significant increase in electricity usage, highlighting the broader industry trend.
  • Data Centers: These facilities, essential for AI operations, are power-intensive, adding to the environmental burden.
  • Cooling Requirements: The need to cool data centers further increases their energy footprint.

Emission Statistics

  • Higher Emissions: AI models generate higher emissions due to their intensive computational requirements.
  • Electricity Consumption: Global electricity consumption by data centers and AI operations has reached double digits in several regions.
  • Ireland’s Case: In Ireland, data centers’ share of the total electricity demand is a significant indicator of the global trend.
  • Projected Growth: The demand for electricity by AI and data centers is expected to increase substantially in the coming years.

Worrying Prognosis

  • Energy Agency Findings: The International Energy Agency (IEA) warns of the growing energy demand driven by AI technologies.
  • Future Predictions: Projections suggest that AI and data centers could account for between 1.5% and 3.5% of global electricity consumption by 2030.
  • Efficiency Challenges: Despite technological advancements, making AI processes more energy-efficient remains a significant challenge.
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The rise in emissions due to AI is a pressing environmental issue that needs urgent attention.

Scenario for India

  • Rapid Growth: India is experiencing rapid growth in AI deployment, contributing to rising energy consumption.
  • Energy Infrastructure: The existing energy infrastructure may struggle to keep up with the increasing demand from AI and data centers.
  • Regulatory Measures: There is a need for stringent regulatory measures to manage the environmental impact.
  • Research and Development: Investing in research to develop more energy-efficient AI technologies is crucial for sustainable growth.

Alternative Views

  1. Potential Benefits: Some argue that AI can also contribute to environmental solutions, such as optimizing energy usage and reducing waste.
  2. Balancing Act: The challenge lies in balancing AI’s benefits with its environmental costs.
  3. Innovation in AI: Continued innovation in AI could lead to more efficient models that consume less power.
  4. Policy Interventions: Governments need to formulate policies that encourage sustainable AI practices.

Mitigating Strategies

  • Renewable Energy Sources: Increasing the use of renewable energy for powering data centers can reduce their carbon footprint.
  • Energy Efficiency: Implementing energy-efficient cooling technologies and optimizing AI algorithms for lower energy consumption.
  • Sustainable Practices: Encouraging sustainable practices within the AI and tech industry.
  • Global Cooperation: International cooperation and policy frameworks to address the global environmental impact of AI.


  • Urgent Action Required: Addressing the environmental impact of AI is crucial for sustainable development.
  • Innovative Solutions: Innovation and investment in energy-efficient technologies are essential.
  • Policy Support: Strong policy support and regulatory frameworks are needed to mitigate the negative impacts.
  • Future Prospects: Balancing AI’s potential benefits with its environmental costs will be key to its sustainable integration into society.

Mains UPSC Question

“Examine the environmental impacts of the rising use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data centers globally. Discuss the specific challenges faced by India and suggest measures to mitigate these impacts.”.(250 words)

Associated Article –

Source:Indian Express