Focus: Annual Status of Education Report

Source: IE

About Annual Status of Education Report (ASER)

  • Initiative: The Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) by NGO Pratham conducted the 2023 Beyond Basics survey, focusing on the 14-18 age group in rural areas.
  • Scope: The survey explored the application of reading and maths skills in everyday situations, aspirations, awareness, and the digital proficiency of 34,745 respondents across 28 rural districts in 26 states.

Key Findings:

  • Diverse Activities: Despite engaging in tasks, 30% aspire beyond current roles, highlighting varied interests.
  • Educational Skills: Proficiency in basic reading and math remains essential; one in four struggles to read fluently, and over half face division challenges.
  • Digital Proficiency: While over 90% can use smartphones, gender disparities exist, and digital skills need enhancement beyond surface-level engagement.
  • Digital Access: Schools can utilize their reach for diverse learning opportunities, considering the gender gap in digital ownership.
  • Subject Choices: Humanities dominance in higher classes indicates a need for flexible learning options, aligning with the New Education Policy.