Why in the news?

  • The Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of Tamil Nadu’s Arunthathiyar Reservation Act, 2009.
  • A seven-judge Bench, led by Chief Justice D.Y. Chandrachud, ruled 6:1 that sub-categorization within Scheduled Castes (SCs) is constitutionally valid for ensuring substantive equality.

Details of the Act:

  • The Act provides preferential treatment to the Arunthathiyars (including several SC sub-castes) in state services and educational institutions.
  • 16% of SC reservation in education and similar provisions in government recruitment are allocated to Arunthathiyars.


  • The Tamil Nadu law was challenged alongside a similar Punjab law favouring Balmikis and Mazhabi Sikhs.
  • The case was referred to a larger Constitution Bench in August 2020 for a comprehensive judgement on state-level SC sub-classification.
History of Reservation in Tamil Nadu:

  • 1969-70: First BC Commission (A.N. Sattanathan) proposed the creamy layer concept.
  • 1971: Total reservation at 41%.
  • 1989: MBC and DNC created with 20% reservation.
  • 2007: 3.5% reservation for Muslims in BCs.
  • 2009: 3% reservation for Arunthathiyars from SC quota.

About Tamil Nadu Arunthathiyars Reservation Act, 2009:

  • Provides 16% of SC reservation for Arunthathiyars in education and state services.
  • Includes various sub-castes (e.g., Chakkiliyan, Madiga).
  • Applies to educational institutions and state services.
  • Ensures merit-based competition and carries forward unfilled vacancies.