Why in the News?

  • Justice B R GAVAI is appointed as Chairman of the SCLSC, replacing Justice Sanjiv Khanna.

Understanding SCLSC’s :

  • Nomination: Nominated by the Department of Justice through powers under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987, and NALSA Rules, 1995.
  • Objective : The SCLSC functions under the Act to provide free legal services to marginalized groups under the SC’s jurisdiction.
  • Composition :
  • Committee composition includes a sitting Supreme Court judge as Chairman and members meeting specified experience and qualification criteria.
  • SCLSC consists of not more than nine members, including ex officio members like the Attorney General for India
  • Nominations: 
  • Nominations made by the Chief Justice of India (CJI), who also appoints the Committee’s Secretary.
  • The Centre, in consultation with the Chief Justice of India, can nominate additional members meeting specified criteria, who must be eminent individuals with expertise in law or social work.
  • Qualifications: Rule 10 of the NALSA Rules outlines the number, experience, and qualifications of SCLSC members.

Purpose and Importance

  • Established in 1987, the SCLSC operates nationwide, offering legal assistance, organizing Lok Adalats, and forming legal services authorities.
  • SCLSC aligns with Constitutional provisions ensuring equal justice and legal aid, particularly for economically disadvantaged citizens (Article 39A).
  • Mandated by Articles 14 and 22(1) to establish legal equality and a fair justice system.