Why in the News?

  • Punjab challenges the Centre’s extension of BSF jurisdiction from 15 km to 50 km from the India-Pakistan border.
(Boarder Source: UGI)

About the Issue:

  • Both Punjab and West Bengal oppose the notification, alleging an encroachment on their respective legislative domains.
  • The court aims to determine if the Centre’s action infringes upon Punjab’s legislative authority over police powers and maintaining public order.
  • The court examines if the expanded jurisdiction aligns with specified ‘local limits’ under Section 139.
Legal Status of Extension

·    Article 355 allows the Centre to deploy forces in a state for protection against external aggression and internal disturbance, even without the state’s request.

·    If a state opposes deployment, the Centre should issue directives under Article 355.

·    Non-compliance may lead to further action under Article 356 (President’s Rule).