Inauguration and Orientation of SGRC: 2020-21 SGR Cell of the Universal Group of Institutions has been hosted an inaugural ceremony of the cell on 6th Nov 2020 at 4 pm in Seminar Hall. Aiming to provide essential knowledge on the Students' Grievance Redressal Cell at the college, an orientation program was conducted by the coordinators. The program was inaugurated by Mr. Santosh Shetty, Administrator UGI, followed by the speech of Mr. Vishwas Puttaswamy, Principal UGI after the august movement, orientation program was conducted to get familiarization of the aims, objectives, functioning and mechanism of the cell among the students. Bangalore


The University Grants Commission (UGC) came into existence on 28th December 1953 and became a statutory Organization of the Government of India by an Act of Parliament in 1956, for the coordination, determination and maintenance of standards of teaching, examination and research in university education.
As per the Guidelines of the UGC, Universal Group of Institutions has constituted a Students’ Grievance Redressal Cell (SGRC). The Students’ Grievance Redressal Cell attempts to address the genuine problems and complaints of students in the institution. The Grievance Cell is also empowered to look into the matters of harassment. Students may approach the cell to voice their grievances regarding academic matters, health services, library and other services.
Grievance Redressal Cell is aimed to promote and maintain a conducive and harmonious educational environment among the students. Anyone with a genuine grievance may approach the coordinators directly. In case the person is unwilling to appear in person, the grievance may be dropped in writing in the grievance box or maybe sent through email. The cell will formally review all the cases and assure that, the grievance has been properly solved in a stipulated time. Immediate actions will be taken for complaints of alleged discrimination of students or any other type of harassment and victimization of a student if found genuine.

Objectives of the Cell
The major objective of the Grievance Cell is to develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all the stakeholders in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the institute. This aims;
1. To help the students to lodge their complaints and solve their problems related to academics, resources and personal grievances freely without any fear of victimization.
2. To ensure an effective solutions to the student grievance with an impartial and fair approach.
3. To prevent non-transparent or unfair practices adopted.
4. Advising students of the institution to respect the rights and dignity of one another and show utmost restraint and whenever any occasion of the rift arises.

Mechanism of the Cell

Step 1: Receiving Letter in SGRC Box
The Complaint Box has been installed in the college. Students can put their grievances in writing on the issues related to academics, infrastructure, examination, office and administration.
Step 2: Unboxing the Letter by Grievance Coordinators
Every Saturday the SGRC Box will be unboxed by the Coordinators.
Step 3: Analysis and Augmentation of the Issues
After receiving the Grievances, it will be analysed by the coordinators and passed on to the management or concerned departments for Redressal.
Step 4: Redressal of the Issues
Students’ Grievance Redressal Cell ensures that the grievances are resolved by the concerned department or management within a span of the prescribed time of 30 days.


Inauguration and Orientation of SGRC: 2020-21

Santhosh Shetty

Universal Group Of Institutions

SGR Cell of the Universal Group of Institutions has been hosted an inaugural ceremony of the cell on 6th Nov 2020 at 4 pm in Seminar Hall. Aiming to provide essential knowledge on the Students’ Grievance Redressal Cell at the college, an orientation program was conducted by the coordinators.
The program was inaugurated by Mr. Santosh Shetty, Administrator UGI, followed by the speech of Mr. Vishwas Puttaswamy, Principal UGI after the august movement, an orientation program was conducted to get familiarization of the aims, objectives, functioning and mechanism of the cell among the students.