Strengthening Public-Private Partnerships for Effective TB Control

Why in News ?

India, contributing 25% of the global TB burden, needs stronger public-private collaboration for better TB management. Integrating public healthcare’s standardized treatment with private hospitals’ patient-friendly approach can improve compliance, ensuring better outcomes in the fight against tuberculosis.

Strengthening Public-Private Partnerships for Effective TB Control

About TB Burden and Challenges in Treatment:

  • India reports 8 million new TB cases annually, contributing to over 25% of the global TB burden.
  • More than 50% of TB patients seek treatment in private healthcare facilities.
  • The current treatment landscape presents two major challenges:
    • Public hospitals offer free treatment but lack a welcoming environment.
    • Private hospitals provide a better patient experience but are often costly and may not strictly follow standardized treatment protocols.

Public-Private Collaboration for Improved Care

  • A hybrid model integrating public and private healthcare can enhance TB control efforts.
  • Government hospitals can ensure standardized treatment, contact tracing, and access to essential medicines.
  • Private healthcare facilities offer a more comfortable environment but need to improve compliance with treatment guidelines.
  • Some drug-resistant TB medicines are only available in government hospitals to prevent misuse. However, mandatory hospital admission for certain cases may discourage patients from seeking treatment.
  • Public-private partnerships can help create flexible care pathways, ensuring patient compliance without compromising treatment quality.

The Way Forward

  • A robust system is needed to track patient care transitions, prevent gaps in treatment, and regulate unregistered practitioners.
  • Diagnostic protocols should be standardized to ensure accurate TB diagnosis and treatment.
  • Drug supply chains must be regulated, and strict adherence to treatment guidelines should be enforced.
  • Establishing centralized monitoring of TB test results and pharmacy regulations can enhance accountability.
  • Innovative approaches and reimagined partnerships will be key to achieving effective TB control in India.

National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme (NTEP): Key Strategies

●      Goal: Eliminate TB in India by 2025, reducing incidence by 80% and deaths by 90%.

●      Strategic Pillars: Detect, Treat, Prevent, and Build (DTPB).

●      Strengthening Infrastructure: Increased funding, decentralized care, mobile diagnostic units.

●      Capacity Building: Training healthcare workers, incentives for retention.

●      Ensuring Drug Supply: Robust supply chain, regional warehouses, digital tracking.

●      Tackling Drug-Resistant TB: Shorter regimens, psychosocial support.

●      Community Engagement: Awareness campaigns, stigma reduction.

●      Financial Support: Ni-Kshay Poshan Yojana, wage and transport assistance.

●      Surveillance & Technology: AI-driven monitoring, Ni-Kshay platform.

●      Multi-Sector Collaboration: Nutrition, sanitation, housing, industry involvement.