Strategic Myopia in the Israel-Gaza-Lebanon conflict


  • GS – 2 : International relations ,West Asia , Escalation between Israel, Gaza and Lebanon , Bilateral relations of India with West Asian Countries

Why In News?

  • The recent conflict between Israel, Gaza, and Lebanon has escalated, leading to significant civilian suffering and regional instability.


  • This article explores the geopolitical, moral, and strategic consequences of Israel’s military operations in Gaza and Lebanon, emphasizing the role of global powers, particularly the United States and India, in enabling the violence. It also highlights the humanitarian disaster, regional instability, and lack of diplomatic efforts to address the ongoing crisis.

Isral- Gaza War

Introduction: The Israel-Gaza-Lebanon Conflict

  • The role of global powers in enabling Israel’s actions is a key factor in the ongoing crisis.
  • While Israel has a legitimate right to self-defense, its military response in Gaza and Lebanon has raised critical moral and strategic concerns.

Israel’s Right to Self-Defense vs. Humanitarian Crisis

  • Legitimate Self-Defense:
    Israel faces threats from groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran, with the October 7th attack by Hamas further justifying its right to self-defense.
  • Disproportionate Response:
    Israel’s military response, marked by intense bombings in Gaza and Lebanon, has been labeled as disproportionate, causing extensive civilian casualties and destruction.
  • Humanitarian Catastrophe:
    Tens of thousands of people have been displaced, and innocent civilians, including children, have been killed, highlighting the severe humanitarian toll.

Complicity of Global Powers

  • S. Support for Israel:
    The United States provides significant military and diplomatic backing to Israel. However, its complicity in the ongoing violence contributes to long-term regional instability, as seen in previous conflicts (e.g., Iraq, Libya).
  • India’s Evasion and Silence:
    India has abstained from the UN resolution calling for a ceasefire, reflecting its evasive stance. India’s claim of “bridge-building” diplomacy is criticized for masking its complicity.
  • Saudi Arabia and UAE’s Role:
    Despite publicly supporting peace efforts, Saudi Arabia and UAE’s actions, such as their involvement in Yemen, indicate a misalignment with their stated positions, further contributing to regional instability.

Israel’s Strategic Miscalculations

  • Wars Since 1967:
    Israel’s military engagements post-1967, often framed as “wars of defense,” have instead served to expand Israel’s territorial control. This expansion has fueled greater hostility and created closer proximity between Israeli and Palestinian populations, exacerbating tensions.
  • Illegal Settlements:
    The expansion of illegal settlements in the occupied territories has been a key factor in intensifying the conflict, displacing Palestinians and undermining prospects for peace.
  • Cycle of Ideological Enemies:
    Each conflict Israel engages in tends to result in the emergence of more ideologically hostile adversaries, such as Hamas and Hezbollah, which fill the void left by the destruction of functioning states.

The Destruction of Functioning Societies

  • Learning from Libya and Iraq:
    Israel risks repeating the mistakes of U.S.-led interventions in Libya and Iraq, where the destruction of functioning states created vacuums filled by extremist groups, leading to long-term instability.
  • Destruction of Infrastructure:
    The systematic destruction of Gaza’s infrastructure (homes, schools, hospitals) exacerbates humanitarian crises and creates fertile ground for the rise of extremist ideologies, as no functional society remains to maintain order.

The Iran Factor and Risk of Regional Escalation

  • Provoking Iran:
    Israel’s military actions appear to be aimed at provoking a response from Iran, further risking a wider regional conflict. By targeting Hezbollah and Iranian proxies, Israel may escalate tensions with Iran.
  • Diplomatic Isolation of Iran:
    Israel’s strategy lacks a clear diplomatic path forward, leaving Iran isolated without an “off-ramp” to de-escalate tensions. This increases the likelihood of prolonged conflict rather than a negotiated settlement.

Moral and Strategic Costs

  • Moral Implications for Israel:
    The increasing dehumanization in Israeli discourse, coupled with its aggressive military tactics, threatens the moral fabric of Israeli democracy and society. There is growing concern about the long-term impact on Israel’s internal values and global reputation.
  • American Complicity and Consequences:The U.S. has become complicit in Israel’s actions, providing military and diplomatic support.

Diplomatic Failures and the Path Forward

  • Global Powers’ Silence:
    The reluctance of global powers, including India, to take a firm stance on the Israel-Gaza-Lebanon conflict has created a diplomatic vacuum. This silence exacerbates the crisis by providing Israel with tacit approval for its actions.
  • Iran’s Role in Diplomacy:
    A meaningful resolution to the conflict will require engaging Iran diplomatically.
  • However, the current isolation of Iran and the lack of diplomatic outreach from Israel and its allies make this highly unlikely.
  • Israel’s actions in Gaza and Lebanon mirror broader strategic failures in the Middle East, where the destruction of functioning societies (e.g., Iraq, Libya) has led to the rise of extremism and long-term instability.

The Role of the United Nations and International Law

  • Failure of International Law:
    Israel’s continued military actions, despite international calls for ceasefires, reflect the weakening of international law and institutions.
  • The inability of the UN to enforce resolutions further diminishes the credibility of the global legal framework.
  • India’s Abstention at the UN:
    India’s abstention from the UN General Assembly resolution calling for a ceasefire has drawn criticism for being evasive and complicit.
  • The decision to abstain, while citing the need to “build bridges,” contrasts with the positions of other democracies like Japan.

Conclusion: Strategic and Moral Crisis

  • The conflict in Gaza and Lebanon has resulted in widespread human suffering and destruction.
  • Israel’s military response, while justified under the principle of self-defense, has far exceeded proportionality, leading to a moral crisis.
  • The complicity of global powers, including the U.S. and India, enables Israel’s actions and undermines any meaningful effort to resolve the conflict.
  • The strategic and moral costs of this complicity are profound, with long-term implications for regional and global stability.
  • The lack of diplomatic outreach, particularly with Iran, leaves the region in a state of perpetual conflict.
  • Any lasting resolution will require a genuine commitment to peace and dialogue, including the involvement of all regional actors.

Associated Article

Source : Indian Express

Mains UPSC Question GS 2

“Examine the role of global powers in exacerbating the conflict in Gaza and Lebanon. Analyze the moral and strategic consequences of their support for Israel, and assess the long-term implications for regional and international stability.?” (250 words).