
  • GS 3 – Science and Technology- developments and their applications; Awareness in the fields of IT, Space, Computers, robotics, nano-technology, biotechnology and issues relating to intellectual property rights.
  • GS 4 – Ethical concerns and dilemmas in government and private institutions; Information sharing and transparency in government

Why in the News?

  • Recent Forbes article describes Perplexity’s (an AI powered answer engine) actions as ‘cynical theft’.
  • AI summaries often lack the precision required for accurate news reporting.
  • Unlike Wikipedia, AI summaries don’t have human oversight or verification processes.
  • Risk of Spreading Unverified Information:
    • AI can unintentionally pick up and present unreliable or unverified information from articles as facts.
    • Users who are not knowledgeable or unable to identify inaccuracies may accept AI-generated summaries as accurate news.

Perplexity – An AI Application

  • Wikipedia-like Approach to News: Parses through verified news sources.
    • Compiles information into an easy-to-understand format with key facts.
  • Interactive Question-Answer Feature: Allows users to ask questions.
    • Generates answers on the fly based on sources.
  • Perplexity as an ‘Answer Engine’:
  • Perplexity positions itself similarly to a search engine. Publishers allow search engines to scrape content because it drives traffic back to their sites.
  • Different from Search Engines: Search engines index content and direct users to original websites, creating a symbiotic relationship.
  • Concerns About Perplexity :
    • Content Aggregation Issues: Perplexity takes content without permission. Republishes work, presenting itself as though it were a media outlet.
      • Forbes article describes the actions of Perplexity as plagiarism, Not Copyright Violation.
    • Reduces traffic to original sources: Perplexity and AI summaries address user needs directly, reducing traffic to original sources.

Comparison with Wikipedia:

Role of Wikipedia Role of Perplexity
↪Wikipedia aggregates information from sources and links out to them.

↪It serves as an encyclopaedia, not a source of news.

↪Wikipedia enables the discovery of news sources for more context.

↪Perplexity aggregates and presents context from news sources.

↪Unlike Wikipedia, it hides the original sources, potentially cannibalizing their audience.

↪Perplexity provides a complete context, making it a substitute for the original news articles.

Challenges Posed by AI Summaries (Including Google’s Feature):

  • Accuracy Issues:
    • Often lack the precision required for accurate news reporting.
    • Can pick up unreliable or unverified information from articles as facts.
  • Extractive and Cannibalistic Tools:
    • Such AI tools reduce the need for anyone to visit the original source.
    • They effectively steal the source’s audience and means of monetization (advertising/subscription).
  • Lack of Human Oversight:
    • Unlike Wikipedia, AI summaries don’t have human oversight or verification processes.
  • Potential for Misinformation:
    • Users who are not knowledgeable or unable to identify inaccuracies may accept AI-generated summaries as accurate news.
  • Human Sharing vs. AI Copying:
    • Comparing AI tools to humans sharing information in their own words.
    • Public readability doesn’t imply permission for copying or AI training.
  • Permission and Compensation:
    • Generative AI often uses third-party information without permission.
    • Mass content accumulation for AI training should not be equated with human learning.
  • Disproportionate Impact:
    • AI’s ability to ingest, learn, and replicate content at scale has exponential effects.
    • The impact on original content creators is disproportionate.

Impact on News Publishers:

  • Consequences of Dying News Sources:
    • Without news reporting, AI tools would rely on unverified tweets and unreliable sources.
    • The quality and reliability of information would significantly decline.
  • Monetization Challenges:
    • Reduced traffic means fewer opportunities for subscription and advertising revenue.
    • AI tools addressing users’ needs directly diminish the value of original content.
  • Exclusion from AI Indexing:
    • Publishers can opt out of AI bot indexing, but bots often ignore these requests.
    • The rapid increase in new AI models makes exclusion a significant task.
  • Uncompensated Use of Work:
    • News publishers’ work is used as raw material to generate AI summaries without any compensation.
  • Fair Usage and Copyright Concerns:
    • Facts are not protected by copyright, as their dissemination is an essential public service.
    • ‘Fair usage’ allows derivative works based on facts, provided additional value is added.
    • Perplexity’s and Google’s AI summaries add zero original value (no additional reporting, no original context).
  • Gap in Copyright Law:
    • Current laws don’t adequately protect incentives for news organizations.
    • Ensuring the survival of news sources is crucial for the quality of information AI tools can provide.

Broader Implications:

  • Not Just a ‘Big Tech vs. Publishers’ Issue:
    • This issue differs from the ‘link tax’ debates in Canada and Australia.
    • Link taxes are based on aggregating links, which adds value to publishers.
  • Focus on AI Summaries:
    • AI summaries cannibalize publishers’ work rather than adding value.
    • Licensing deals with AI companies may perpetuate the problem.

Recommendations for Publishers:

  • Content Licensing Deals: Signing deals with AI companies may not be beneficial in the long term. Publishers should focus on protecting their content from being cannibalized by AI summaries.
  • Implement Robust Anti-Scraping Measures: Use technical measures to block AI bots from scraping content.
  • Explore Licensing Agreements Carefully: Ensure any licensing deals with AI companies are beneficial and protective of content.
  • Increase Awareness and Advocacy: Raise public and industry awareness about the impact of AI on content creation.
  • Leverage Exclusive Content: Create premium, subscriber-only content to maintain revenue streams.
  • Collaborate with Tech Companies: Work with AI developers to create fair use policies that benefit both parties.


Mains question

Discuss the ethical and legal challenges posed by AI-generated summaries on the news industry, and suggest measures for protecting original content and ensuring fair use. (250 words)