
GS 3 : 

  • Science and Technology- Developments and their Applications.
  • Environmental Conservation


India’s solar industry stands at a pivotal moment, with the government’s new policy initiatives aiming to boost domestic manufacturing while ensuring top-notch quality.

Source: Socialcops

Government’s New Policy Initiatives

  • Policy Overview: The government is introducing measures to reduce reliance on imported solar panels.
  • Compulsory Registration: The Approved Models and Manufacturers of Solar Photovoltaic Modules (Requirement for Compulsory Registration) Order, 2019 mandates inspections by the National Institute of Solar Energy.
  • Eligibility for Government Tenders: ‘Approved’ companies can participate in government tenders, including the PM solar rooftop scheme.
  • Regulation and Oversight: The policy seeks to standardize and regulate solar panel manufacturing in India.
  • Incentivizing Domestic Production: To reduce import dependence, the policy offers incentives to domestic manufacturers.
  • Transparency and Accountability: The new regulations aim to enhance transparency in the solar panel manufacturing sector.
About Approved Models and Manufacturers of Solar Photovoltaic Modules

·   Implemented on March 10, 2021, the MNRE enforces the “Approved Models and Manufacturers of Solar Photovoltaic Modules (Requirement for Compulsory Registration) Order, 2019” and its associated guidelines.

·   The order mandates the registration of Solar PV Cells and Modules manufacturers and their models post thorough inspection of their manufacturing units.

·   MNRE will maintain and update the Approved List of Models and Manufacturers (ALMM) Order, listing approved manufacturers and models of Solar PV Modules.

Key Highlights:

·   Registration is valid for 2 years with an option for renewal upon document submission.

·   The ALMM will be regularly updated and accessible on the MNRE website.

·   The Ministry retains the right to conduct production, sale audits, quality tests, and facility inspections anytime for compliance checks.

·   Non-compliance will lead to the removal of the manufacturer from the ALMM.

·   Only models and manufacturers from the ALMM are eligible for Government or Government-assisted Projects and initiatives in the country.

·   The order aims to streamline and standardize the quality and performance of solar PV modules in India.

Rationale Behind the Policy

  • Reducing Dependence on Imports: Aim to decrease imports, particularly from China, which controls 80% of the global solar supply.
  • 2030 Solar Energy Goals: India targets sourcing 500 GW of electricity from non-fossil fuel sources by 2030.
  • Past Performance: Despite a 40 GW annual target, India has installed only around 13 GW in the last five years.
  • COVID-19 Impact: The pandemic has been cited as a reason for the slower progress in achieving solar installation targets.
  • Economic and Diplomatic Factors: The policy is influenced by economic considerations and diplomatic relations with major solar panel exporting countries.
  • Domestic Industry Support: The policy aims to support and bolster the domestic solar panel manufacturing industry.

Challenges Confronting the Domestic Industry

Reliance on Imports: A significant portion of India’s solar installations is currently dependent on imported panels.

Financial Burden on Manufacturers: Domestic manufacturers face challenges in competing with cheaper Chinese imports while investing in government certification.

 Implementation Delays: The government has postponed the implementation of the approved list multiple times.

Infrastructure Limitations: Limited infrastructure and production capacity hinder the growth of domestic solar panel manufacturing.

Skill Gap: A shortage of skilled labor in the manufacturing sector poses a challenge.

Supply Chain Issues: Inadequate supply chain infrastructure can impact the timely delivery of solar panels.

Market Competition: Intense competition from international manufacturers, particularly from China, affects the domestic market share.

 Technological Barriers: The need for advanced technology and equipment to produce high-efficiency solar panels poses a challenge for domestic manufacturers.

Quality vs. Nationalism: The Dilemma

  • Balancing Act: Promoting domestic manufacturing while maintaining high quality is a delicate balance.
  • Affordability and Quality Assurance: Ensuring solar power remains affordable without compromising on quality is crucial.
  • Consumer Trust: Maintaining consumer trust by delivering high-quality products is essential for the industry’s growth.
  • Global Competitiveness: The industry must strive to be globally competitive in terms of both quality and cost.
  • Ethical Considerations: Balancing nationalism with ethical considerations like fair trade and environmental sustainability.
  • Market Dynamics: Understanding and adapting to global market dynamics without compromising on quality.

The Road Ahead: Ensuring Sustainable Growth

Global Recognition: India aims to position itself as a high-quality solar panel exporter in the global market.

Prioritizing Quality: Emphasizing rigorous quality checks and standards to build trust among consumers.

Investment in Research and Development: Investing in R&D to innovate and produce high-efficiency solar panels.

Promoting Sustainable Practices: Encouraging practices like rainwater harvesting and pond restoration to support solar energy production.

 Collaboration and Partnerships: Forming partnerships with global experts to adopt best practices and technologies.

Policy Review and Adaptation: Regularly reviewing and adapting policies to meet changing industry needs and challenges.

Capacity Building: Enhancing domestic manufacturing capabilities through skill development and training programs.

Consumer Awareness: Educating consumers about the benefits of domestic solar panels to boost demand and support the industry.


In conclusion, the Indian solar industry’s growth is promising, but maintaining this growth sustainably and with high quality is crucial. A balanced approach that supports domestic manufacturing, ensures quality, and promotes sustainable practices will be vital in achieving India’s ambitious solar energy goals.


Mains Practice Question:

Discuss the challenges facing the domestic solar manufacturing sector and the importance of maintaining a balance between growth and quality. Suggest measures for ensuring sustainable growth in the Indian solar sector.

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