Why in the news?

Odisha urges the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) to introduce female tigers from different regions to increase genetic diversity.

Highlighting Tiger Population Report:

  • Population Data:The All Odisha Tiger Estimation (AOTE) 2023-24 reports 30 tigers in Odisha, with STR hosting the largest share, including all adult female tigers in the state.
  • Specific Concerns: Of the Similipal Tiger Reserve(STR) tigers, approximately 37% are pseudo-melanistic tigers(almost black), a result of inbreeding, according to experts.
  • Movement Patterns: Similipal’s tigers exhibit isolated movement patterns despite having extensive contiguous forest areas.
About the Similipal Tiger Reserve:

●   Geographic Position: Similipal is situated in the northern part of Mayurbhanj district in Odisha, India.

●   Derived Name: The name “Similipal” originates from the ‘Simul’ (Silk Cotton) tree found in the region.

●   Size and Waterfalls: Joranda and Barehipani.

●   Designated as both a national park and a Tiger Reserve.

●   the highest peaks Khairiburu and Meghashini (1515m above sea level).

International Recognition:

●   UNESCO Network: Similipal is integrated into the UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves, acknowledging its global ecological importance.

●   Elephant Reserve: Forms part of the Similipal-Kuldiha-Hadgarh Elephant Reserve, renowned as the Mayurbhanj Elephant Reserve.