Self-Defense Seminar

Women Empowerment Cell and Anti Sexual Harassment Cell, Universal School of Administration under IQAC initiative organized a Seminar on Self-Defence on 6th February 2023.  The seminar was anchored by Gloria Rodrigues II BCom, and Introduction to the chief guest was done by Meenal Goyal I BA. The Chief Guest, Dominic Savio. G, Founder and President of Shinjidai Karate Do-International, after lighting the ceremonial lamp, the event was presided by Sri. R Upendra Shetty, Chairman Universal Group of institutions. Dr Saraswathi Kumbale, Principal, USA, Mr Vishwas Puttaswamy, and Mr. J Santhosh Shetty graced the event.

Mr Dominic Savio. G addressed the girl students and said that girls face  many complex challenges in present-day society, with atrocities and violence against women being on the raise. He urged the students to be alert always and take care of their physical fitness by cultivating healthy habits and regular physical exercise regimens. The primary importance of self-defence is for women to be able to protect themselves against anything that’s unacceptable in terms of social conduct. There is nothing more empowering than having the confidence to analyse a dangerous situation and take action to overcome them effectively. It empowers women to lead healthy and fulfilling life by encouraging them to deal with stressful and dangerous situations independently. It teaches discipline which transfers over to all other areas of life. It helps women be calmer, understanding, and flexible, gain body and mind control, be more responsive than reactive, be more observant, and achieve cognitive awareness.  Reduces Discrimination/Sexism, Crimes against women can be curbed in a significant way when women are empowered to fight back against any discrimination and sexism.

During this seminar, Mr Dominic Savio explained how to self-defend in case of danger, attack and emergency. He has also insisted to memorize vulnerable spots to attack – it doesn’t matter how big or strong the attacker is, these vulnerable spots are their weak points – Eyes, Nose, Ears, Throat, Groin, and Knee. He practically illustrated and taught some simple techniques of Self-Defence. He also suggested the following safety tips to avoid a confrontation

  •  Make sure your cell phone is charged for emergency calls.
  •  Wear your jacket over your purse, so your valuables are less exposed.
  •  Stay in well-lit areas. If you park during the daytime, consider what the area will look like when you return at night. Make sure there is ample lighting.

Feedback was collected from participants. Students learnt a lot during this programme. The programme was concluded by a vote of thanks by Tejaswini I BA LLB.