
Samarpana 2022

SAMARPANA is a yearly 7 days induction and training program conducted for the new batch of students. SAMARPANA aims at inducting students into the integrated concept of the Institution. It aims at creating a positive mindset where the students focus on key skills such as holistic development of oneself, communication skills, ability to handle stress, consistency and perseverance which are required for every individual in general and for every aspirant of competitive exams in particular. Some of the objectives of the program include:

  • Maximizing their potentialities and boosting self-confidence
  • To develop a sense of professionalism among students
  • To equip them with skills required as aspirants of competitive exams
  • To inculcate in them an optimistic mindset
  • To motivate the students

SAMARPANA 2022 will be held from 12.09.2022 to 19.09.2022

For more details – Click here