Rethinking India’s electoral Landscape: The case for One Nation, One Election


GS 2:

  • Indian Constitutions and features
  • Issues and challenges pertaining to Federal Structure

Why in the News?

The One Nation, One Election initiative is gaining attention as the Indian government pushes for synchronized elections. This proposal aims to enhance governance efficiency and reduce the financial burden of frequent polls, sparking significant debate among political parties.

Current Electoral Landscape in India

  • Frequent Elections: India holds an average of 14 elections annually, including assembly, local body, and by-elections, showcasing a highly competitive political atmosphere across all levels.
  • Serious Campaigning: Political parties view local elections as significant, indicating the seriousness with which they approach electoral contests, leading to intense political strategies and voter engagement.
  • Financial Expenditure: The annual expenditure on campaigns and populist schemes runs into billions, demonstrating the high stakes and investment required for political success in Indian elections.
  • High-Profile Participation: Prominent political figures, including the Prime Minister and Chief Ministers, actively campaign, highlighting their commitment to winning electoral battles and connecting with constituents.
  • MCC Restrictions: The Model Code of Conduct (MCC) imposes constraints on government actions for extended periods, creating governance challenges and complexities during election seasons.

The One Nation, One Election Proposal

  • Government Initiative: The BJP-led NDA government has proposed the One Nation, One Election (ONOE) plan to synchronize elections, aiming for streamlined electoral processes and governance efficiency.
  • Cabinet Approval: The Union Cabinet has approved recommendations from a committee on the ONOE proposal, marking a significant move towards potentially implementing synchronized elections in India.
  • Legal Requirements: Full implementation of ONOE requires extensive legal amendments, which presents challenges as political parties debate the implications and feasibility of such changes.
  • Party Support: Supporters, including 32 political parties, advocate for ONOE, believing it can enhance governance and administrative efficiency, paving the way for a more stable political environment.
  • Opposition Concerns: Opposing parties, like Congress and TMC, express apprehensions regarding ONOE’s impact on federalism and political fairness, indicating a potential divisive landscape surrounding this initiative.

Simultaneous Elections in Other Countries

  • South Africa: National and provincial legislature elections occur simultaneously every five years, while municipal elections are scheduled two years
  • Sweden: Elections for the national legislature (Riksdag), provincial legislature (Landsting), and local bodies (Kommunfullmäktige) are conducted on a fixed date— the second Sunday in September every four years.
  • United Kingdom: The Fixed-term Parliaments Act of 2011 was enacted to ensure stability and predictability in Parliament, establishing elections on the first Thursday of May every five years, starting from May 7, 2015.

Arguments in Favor of Simultaneous Elections

  • Cost Efficiency: Advocates argue that simultaneous elections can significantly reduce the financial burden of conducting multiple polls, potentially leading to more responsible fiscal management in politics.
  • Optimized Resources: The Election Commission estimates elections cost approximately ₹4,500 crore; conducting synchronized polls could optimize resources and financial allocations, enhancing governance effectiveness.
  • Historical Precedent: Historical data indicates that simultaneous elections were successfully held from 1951 to 1967 without undermining federal structures, demonstrating feasibility and governance stability.
  • Stable Governance: Proponents suggest ONOE may enhance governance stability by reducing the frequency of electoral contests, allowing governments to focus on development initiatives rather than perpetual campaigning.
  • Political Streamlining: By minimizing electoral distractions, ONOE could streamline political processes, enabling parties to prioritize legislative agendas and development goals over continuous electioneering.

Impact on Governance and Policy Implementation

  • Policy Paralysis: Frequent elections often lead to policy paralysis due to the Model Code of Conduct, restricting significant government actions during crucial electoral periods and hampering effective governance.
  • Restrictive Periods: A study indicated that Maharashtra endured 307 days under MCC in one year, highlighting the severe impact of extended election seasons on governance functionality.
  • Balance Needed: Experts stress the necessity for balance between electoral campaigns and governance efficiency, as unending political contests can distract from essential administrative responsibilities and decision-making.
  • Collaborative Governance: Continuous political campaigning creates friction between state and central governments, affecting cooperative governance and collaborative policy implementation across various administrative levels.
  • Governance Focus: Implementing simultaneous elections could alleviate the administrative burden of frequent elections, allowing governments to concentrate on developmental initiatives and long-term strategic planning.

Challenges to Consensus and Political Dynamics

  • Political Opposition: The ONOE proposal faces substantial opposition from political parties fearing a loss of power to larger entities like the BJP, complicating potential implementation efforts.
  • Historical Evidence: Fixed-term elections historically promote governance stability and predictability, showcasing the potential benefits of synchronized electoral schedules on political continuity and administration.
  • Consensus Barriers: Political divisions impede consensus-building around ONOE, complicating the initiative’s advancement amidst conflicting interests and the diverse landscape of political parties in India.
  • Distrust Dynamics: Current political tensions and accusations of misusing federal power hinder constructive dialogue, complicating collaborative efforts to explore and implement electoral reforms effectively.
  • Cooperation Necessity: Key leaders acknowledge that successful ONOE implementation relies heavily on overcoming political challenges and fostering a collaborative spirit among diverse political stakeholders.

Way Forward / Navigating the Future of Indian Elections:

  • Potential Benefits: While the One Nation, One Election initiative presents advantages in terms of cost and governance, its success hinges on political consensus and collective will to reform.
  • Varying Support: The proposal has garnered mixed reactions from political entities, reflecting the complexities and challenges inherent in India’s multifaceted democratic landscape and its electoral processes.
  • Need for Reforms: Experts emphasize that frequent electoral cycles distract from effective governance, highlighting the urgent necessity for reforms to enhance administrative efficiency and focus on development.
  • Balancing Act: Navigating the tension between federalism and efficient governance is critical for the success of any future electoral reforms, particularly those aimed at synchronizing elections.
  • Finding Common Ground: As political tensions remain prominent, establishing common ground among stakeholders will be essential for the ONOE proposal to gain traction and materialize effectively.


The One Nation, One Election proposal presents potential benefits for India’s governance structure. However, achieving political consensus and addressing federalism concerns are critical for its successful implementation, as ongoing tensions among parties pose challenges to electoral reforms in the country.

Source: Indian Express

Mains Practice Question

Critically analyze the potential benefits and challenges of implementing the One Nation, One Election proposal in India. Discuss its implications for governance, electoral processes, and federalism in the current political context.

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