
  • GS-2 -Institutions and its functioning
  • GS-3– Security -Maritime piracy , International and bilateral aid
  • GS-4– Ethics in international relations

Why in News :

  • INS Sumitra, over the course of less than 36 hours, through swift, persistent and relentless efforts has rescued two hijacked Fishing Vessels along with 36 Crew (17 Iranian and 19 Pakistani) in Southern Arabian Sea approximately 850 nm West of Kochi, and prevented  misuse of these Fishing Vessels as Mother Ships for further acts of Piracy on Merchant Vessels.
  • The Malta-flagged vessel MV Ruen was attacked by pirates in the Arabian Sea. In response, the Indian Navy, strategically positioned in the piracy-prone Gulf of Aden, promptly intercepted the hijacked vessel. They closely monitored its course towards the Somali coast to prevent further unlawful activity. Additionally, the European Union Naval Force (EUNAVFOR) Operation Atalanta, a maritime security operation in the western Indian Ocean, collaborated in the anti-piracy endeavor, enhancing the collective effort to combat maritime piracy.
  • Operation Sankalp has been initiated by the Indian Navy in the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman to ensure the safety and security of Indian vessels.
 Source: Google map

Introduction :

  • Piracy has existed in various forms for centuries and is as old as seafaring itself. Pirate attacks have occurred recently in the waters off the west coast of Africa, the Gulf of Aden, the Horn of Africa, Bangladesh, and the Strait of Malacca.
  • Piracy encompasses various crimes, including petty theft from ships and armed robbery.
  • Hijacking of ships for ransom is particularly concerning due to its severe implications.
  • Strait of Hormuz, Strait of Bab al mandeb is an important chokepoint concerning piracy.
About Socotra island :

·   The Socotra Archipelago is located off the Horn of Africa, at the crossroads between the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. It is recognised as a regional centre of biodiversity

·   Socotra is globally important for biodiversity conservation because of its exceptionally rich and distinct flora and fauna. 37% of Socotra’s plant species, 90% of its reptile species and 95% of its land snail species do not occur anywhere else in the world.

·   Detwah Lagoon,Socotra island ,Yemen –Important Bird Area, Ramsar site

Impact of Piracy:

  • Human Toll: Maritime piracy imposes a significant human toll, beyond its economic impact. Seafarers encounter the dangers of violence, abduction, and potential loss of life due to piracy. The psychological toll on seafarers and their families is immeasurable, enduring long after the ordeal ends.
  • Impact on Maritime Business:
    • Hijacking incidents instill panic within the maritime industry.
    • High-risk areas are established, prompting increased maritime insurance premiums.
  • Safety Concerns:
    • Piracy jeopardizes the safety of ships and seafarers.
    • Seafarers face increased risks of harm during pirate attacks.
  • Disruption of Global Supply Chains: Piracy disrupts the smooth operation of global supply chains. Shipping routes may be altered or avoided to mitigate piracy risks, affecting trade efficiency.

Reasons of Piracy :

Poor Policing:

  • Coastal countries lack adequate maritime forces or have none at all.
  • Limited enforcement capabilities contribute to ineffective policing of sea areas.

High Shipping Traffic:

  • Sea areas often experience high concentrations of shipping traffic.
  • Geographical features such as choke points or anchorages attract ships, leading to congested maritime routes.

3.Legal Complexities:

  • Many sea areas are international waters, straits, or archipelagic waters.
  • Jurisdictional overlaps among multiple countries create legal complexities and coordination challenges.

4.Piracy is a maritime manifestation   of instability and misgovernance on land.

Efforts to tackle Piracy :

  • UNCLOS: The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea provides the legal basis for combating piracy, outlining state responsibilities and jurisdiction. It shapes global responses and fosters cooperation.
  • The Anti-Maritime Piracy Bill, 2022 empowers Indian authorities to combat piracy on the high seas. By incorporating the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, the bill establishes legal frameworks for addressing piracy incidents beyond India’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), extending up to 200 nautical miles from the coastline.
  • Operation Atalanta: EU’s naval mission combats piracy off Somalia’s coast, securing shipping lanes and deterring attacks with deployed assets.
  • Operation Sankalp has been initiated by the Indian Navy in the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman to ensure the safety and security of Indian vessels
  • Best Practices: The shipping industry adopts security measures like secure transit corridors and onboard personnel, reducing vulnerability to piracy.
  • Regional Cooperation: Organizations like IORA and initiatives such as the Djibouti Code of Conduct promote collaboration among coastal states to address piracy.
  • Public-Private Partnerships: Collaboration between governments, shipping companies, and NGOs, exemplified by MSCHOA, enhances maritime security through information sharing and coordination.
  • MARCOS and Indian coast guard and using local and international intelligence
About MARCOS :

Establishment of MARCOS:

o   MARCOS was officially formed on February 26, 1987, as an elite special operations unit within the Indian Navy.

o   Initially, it comprised a select group of highly skilled personnel.

Role in Anti-Piracy Operations:

o   MARCOS has been pivotal in executing anti-piracy operations, particularly in piracy-prone regions like the Gulf of Aden.

o   Their expertise in maritime operations and combat prowess has been crucial in ensuring the safety of Indian vessels and crews.

o   Over time, MARCOS has actively participated in counter-terrorism operations, both domestically and internationally.

o   Their deployment in sensitive areas has played a significant role in thwarting terrorist threats and safeguarding national security interests


  • The Hindu
  • Indian express
  • PIB

Mains Practice Question :


  • “Explain the significance of India’s ‘Security and Growth for All in the Region’ (SAGAR) Doctrine in positioning the country as a key player in global affairs. Discuss the objectives, principles, and key initiatives of the SAGAR Doctrine and analyze its implications for India’s foreign policy and regional cooperation in the Indian Ocean Region.”(250 Words)


  • “Discuss the role of elite special operations units, such as the MARCOS (Marine Commandos), in combating maritime piracy. How have these units contributed to enhancing maritime security and safeguarding national interests in piracy-prone regions? Evaluate the effectiveness of their operations and the challenges faced in addressing the menace of maritime piracy.” (250 words)
  • Discuss piracy as a maritime security threat, particularly in the Indian Ocean Region. Examine the factors contributing to the resurgence of piracy, the challenges faced by countries in combating piracy, and the effectiveness of international cooperation and legal frameworks in addressing this threat. Also, suggest strategies to enhance maritime security and counter piracy measures in the contemporary geopolitical landscape.”(250 words)

GS 4:

“Consider a scenario where a group of pirates hijacks a commercial vessel in the Indian Ocean, endangering the lives of the crew members and causing significant economic loss to the shipping company. As a naval officer responsible for coordinating the rescue operation, you face a moral dilemma: whether to prioritize the safety of the crew members or take aggressive action to apprehend the pirates and prevent further attacks. Discuss the ethical considerations involved in making this decision, weighing the principles of utilitarianism, duty-based ethics, and the protection of human rights. How would you navigate this situation while upholding your ethical obligations and ensuring the best possible outcome for all stakeholders?”