Why in the News?

  • Survey Released: A recent survey by the Centre for Policy Research (CPR)-C Voter highlights that over 60% of Indians and more than half of Pakistanis believe that friendly relations between the two nations are unlikely in this decade.
  • Partition Nostalgia: 48% of Indians and around 31% of Pakistanis and Bangladeshis express a desire to reverse conditions created by Partition, though a significant majority doubt the possibility of improved ties.

Source: Kashmir post

Survey Findings and Historical Comparison:

  • Negative Outlook: The survey indicates a downturn in optimism compared to previous surveys in 2011 and 2013, which showed more hope for reconciliation.
  • Regional Perceptions: While Indians feel their country has the most influence in South Asia, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis believe China holds greater sway, reflecting geopolitical tensions in the region.

Dialogue with Pakistan and Future Prospects:

  • Dialogue Unlikely: Indian External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar noted the era of uninterrupted dialogue with Pakistan is over, citing current strained relations.
  • Global Influence: The survey also found that South Asians have mixed feelings about global powers’ roles, with varying concerns about Chinese interference depending on the country.
Recent Peace Initiatives Between India and Pakistan:

  • Ceasefire Agreement (February 2021): India and Pakistan recommitted to the ceasefire along the Line of Control, significantly reducing border tensions.
  • Track-II Diplomacy: Unofficial channels have fostered dialogue and people-to-people contact, helping bridge gaps between official stances.
  • Border Commitments: Both nations reaffirmed the 2003 ceasefire along the LoC to maintain peace.
  • Joint Judicial Committee: Revived to address humanitarian concerns, particularly those involving fishermen and prisoners.
  • Kartarpur Sahib Corridor: Facilitates visa-free travel for Indian pilgrims, promoting religious tourism and cross-border contact.
  • Airspace Gesture: India allowed Pakistan’s Prime Minister’s aircraft to use its airspace during a visit to Sri Lanka, symbolizing goodwill.
  • Trade Improvements: Measures like lifting the ban on the import of medicines have been taken to enhance trade relations.

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