Red Tide On The Coast Of Florida

News: Florida’s shore has lately seen red tide. By spring, it usually vanishes. Since the 1800s, it has been discovered in the Gulf of Mexico.

The sea plants that live there grow out of control and result in a bloom.

Red tide refers to the bloom of reddish-colored algae.

It has negative effects on people as well as fish and marine mammals.

Karenia brevis, a type of toxic algae, is the culprit behind red tides.

When the algae develop blooms and multiply rapidly, the water turns reddish-brown as a result.

Brevetoxins, which are produced by the algae and can be lethal to aquatic life and sicken humans,

India’s west coast is more likely to see an algal bloom.

In India, an algal bloom is brought on by diatoms, cyanobacteria, haptophytes, and raphiphytes.

The majority of algal blooms take place both before and during the southwest monsoon’s retreat.

Compared to the east coast, the weather and temperature are better