Why in the news?

  • The decision to fence the entire India-Myanmar border and reconsider the Free Movement Regime (FMR) agreement has garnered attention due to its potential impact on border security and regional dynamics.

Understanding the India-Myanmar Border Free Movement Regime (FMR):

  • FMR: Bilateral agreement 2018 allowing border tribes to travel 16 km without visa.
  • Facilitates movement for tribes residing along India-Myanmar border.
  • Removes visa requirements for cross-border travel within 16 km radius.
  • Enhances people-to-people contact and cultural exchanges between India and Myanmar.

About  Act East Policy

●   Launched in 2014, Act East Policy builds upon the Look East Policy.

●   Emphasizes interaction with Southeast Asian nations.

●   Aims to boost economic cooperation and cultural exchanges,in the North Eastern Region.

About Look East Policy

·   Look East Policy Focus: Primarily concentrated on ASEAN countries and economic integration, leading to enhanced trade and strategic partnerships.