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RBI Governor warns that slower deposit growth relative to credit could lead to structural liquidity issues and increased financial risks.

About Bank Credit:

  • Source of Funds: Banks use client deposits and investments (e.g., CDs) to lend money.
  • Certificates of Deposit (CDs): Offer higher interest rates for locking in funds for a set period.
  • Bank Credit: Total funds advanced to borrowers, involving loan agreements.

Bank Credit in India:

  • Types:
    • Food Credit: Lending to Food Corporation of India (FCI) for foodgrains.
    • Non-Food Credit: Major portion, includes credit to agriculture, industry, services, and personal loans.
  • Data Collection: Monthly by RBI.
About Bank Deposits:

  • Definition: Money placed in banks for safekeeping.
  • Types: Includes savings accounts, current accounts, and money market accounts.
  • Withdrawal Rights: Account holders can withdraw funds per the account’s terms and conditions.

Bank Deposits in India:

Current Account:

  • Lower restrictions on withdrawals and transactions compared to savings accounts.
  • Known as a demand deposit account, ideal for business transactions.
  • Offers overdraft facilities, allowing withdrawals beyond account balance.

Savings Accounts:

  • Liquidity: High
  • Limits: Cash withdrawal and transaction limits
  • Interest Rate: Slightly above inflation, not ideal for investment

Recurring Deposits:

  • Deposits: Fixed monthly sum
  • Withdrawals: No premature withdrawals; penalty for early closure

Fixed Deposits:

  • Providers: Banks, financial institutes, NBFCs
  • Returns: Guaranteed, higher than savings accounts
  • Tenures: 7 days to 10 years

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