Q. Probity in public life is nothing but the reflection of integrity in personal life. Discuss.


  • Introduce by explaining the meaning of integrity and probity.
  • Explain how people’s integrity in personal life influences their probity in public life.
  • Give examples to support your arguments.
  • Conclude accordingly.


Integrity is the practice of adhering to strong moral principles and values in a consistent and unwavering manner. It entails always doing the right thing, regardless of the circumstances. On the other hand, probity refers to a complete and confirmed integrity having strong moral principles. Maintaining probity entails more than just avoiding corrupt or dishonest behavior.

It entails putting values like impartiality, accountability, and transparency into practice. Probity in public life refers to the standards that society expects one to observe and maintain in the conduct of the public affairs. It means upholding the highest standard of conduct in public life.

It can be considered as the outcome of integrity in personal life as follows:

  • Integrity is a moral virtue that serves as the foundation for a good character. A person with integrity follows the standards set by the society in words and actions thus showing probity in public life. It makes them diligent in discharging one’s responsibilities and upholding standards, values, principles, in personal and public life. For instance: Ratan Tata upholding the value of probity in the business.
  • People with integrity are objective in their approach and often reflect a neutral and non- partisan behavior in public life. For instance: Returning officers performing their duties in an unbiased manner during election times.
  • People with integrity are honest even when no one is around. The absence of integrity in personal life causes lack of probity in public life, which subsequently manifests in the form of corruption in the society. For instance: cases of corruption like police officers taking bribes.
  • Integrity in personal life enables an individual to be transparent in public life, thus upholding the value of probity. This quality enables a public servant to gain public trust and brings effective governance. For example: Doctors being transparent with patients about their health condition helps in building trust with patients.
  • A person with high integrity is more likely to feel content in life since they know what their values and priorities are and are not afraid to take actions to pursue them. It is demonstrated by the way they live their life day in and day out.

In a nutshell, probity leads to upholding of public interest and includes integrity, trust, character, justice, honesty, rectitude and uprightness. As a result, probity becomes the super set, which includes all good qualities, including integrity.