Q. An ethical work culture is a prerequisite for sustainable growth of an organization. Discuss and suggest some measures to build an ethical work culture in an organization.


  • Introduce by explaining the meaning of ethical work culture.
  • Discuss how it is a precondition for sustainable growth of an organization.
  • Enlist measures to build an ethical work culture in an organization.
  • Conclude accordingly.


Ethical work culture is one that gives priority to employees’ rights, fair procedures, and equity in pay and promotion in an organization. It promotes compassion, loyalty and honesty in the treatment of its customers and employees. It is an important determinant of performance, desirability and success/ failure of an organization.

It can be considered as a prerequisite for sustainable growth of an organization because:

  • Increases productivity and quality: Transparency, responsibility, unbiasedness are underpinnings of ethical work culture. They enable individuals and teams to become self- organized which in turn improves quality and productivity of the individuals and organization.
  • Alternative for the long term: Ethical work culture includes peer respect, recognition of hard work, and freedom to bring new ideas (innovation). These will help in long term prospects of the organization.
  • Effective communication: Healthy work culture provides a platform for effective communication among the verticals and horizontals of the organisation which helps in getting work done effectively.
  • Reduced conflicts: Ethical work culture promotes effective communication among the team members and helps in reducing conflicts among them during work.
  • Legacy: The test of the real legacy of a company is its ethical decision making and behavior with its employees, shareholders and larger society.

Ethical work culture can be built in an organization by following ways:

  • Clear set of guidelines: An organization must have a set of defined values that it seeks to promote that must guide individuals regarding what is acceptable and what is not. Frequent training workshops with employees on ethical issues can be conducted.
  • Codification of regulations: They help to protect employees from ethical/moral dilemmas in decision making. For instance: code of conduct for public servants.
  • Covert vigilance and proactive complaint redressal mechanism: It will help to check any unethical activities and ensure visible justice deliverance.
  • Leadership: Leaders have to embody the organization’s values in their own behavior since they are always closely watched and followed by others.
  • Corrective feedback: A corrective feedback regarding employee behavior should be timely provided. However, care has to be taken that the feedback is given in the spirit of collaboration and education and not as a punishment.
  • Employee participation in decision making: This helps in instilling a feeling among the employees that they are a part of the organization and boosts their trust and confidence which further motivates them to work for development of the organization.

Dedicated efforts to instill ethical work culture is always beneficial not only towards the sustainable growth of an organization but also the greater good of the society and country.